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This resource, aimed at primary level, provides a complete guide to amphibians and reptiles in urban areas, including how to identify them, where to find them and how to create a habitat which encourages them to thrive.

The ID guide includes ideas on where to look to find reptiles and amphibians and tips on...

This Nuffield Primary Science Teachers’ Guide for teaching the Using Energy topic, to students aged 5-7, is divided into three chapters: *Chapter 1: Planning - showing how to use the resources to plan a topic and, in the second edition, more guidance on how to implement the SPACE approach *Chapter 2: Exploring...

This QCA document describes through case studies and activities how the P scales can be used in a range of educational settings to assess the progress of students.

The P scales were designed, like the programmes of...

This document from the Department of Education looks at how Stopsley Community Primary School encourages good behaviour by rewarding pupils. The resource explores the school's house point system, resources and support for teachers and their 'red carpet' policy as part of the managing behaviour and bullying in...

Published in 2015, this research paper indicates that coaching and mentoring are significant features of effective professional learning for teachers. In science education, coaching is occasionally included in professional development for science subject leaders but only very occasionally used in formal subject-...

VEX 123 STEM Labs activities offer ways to link physical computing and robotics to STEM and computing. These one-page exercises are designed to be easy to follow, for independent application for pupils. Each activity is designed around a ‘Play’ based concept to apply the computer science skills and concepts pupils...

This report, commissioned by the Nuffield Foundation, addresses two questions: • What is the range and type of research evidence from countries with high performance in mathematics that gives insights into the reasons for their relatively high position? • What constitutes high performance in mathematics learning...

Veganuary is an annual campaign to encourage and support people to try to be vegan for January. The resources in this collection could be used to explore the links between the food choices we make, our health, and the impact on people and animals around the world, and the environment. The resources also inspire...

Aimed at primary level, the activities within this pack demonstrate key ideas and concepts used in designing and constructing buildings such as: how levers and pulleys work, the properties of materials and the forces involved in different structures. Activities include: making a lever to lift a grown up, making...

Through this challenge, pupils will have the opportunity to explore and understand the everyday life of the Victorians. Pupils will have the opportunity to identify potential problems/areas of Victorian life where an invention could be useful and to use drawing, writing and speech to communicate their invention to...

This report, from the Royal Society, expresses the belief that science and mathematics are at the heart of modern life and provide the foundations for economic prosperity and explains the Royal Society’s ambition for the next twenty years of science and mathematics education. That it should enable people to make...

Published by BEAM this resource contains 21 activity cards on volume and capacity, which allow children to develop their mathematical skill by actively estimating, measuring and comparing capacity and volume. Developed by teachers, the cards help find a way of teaching which fits with the way children learn...

Aimed at students aged 5-14 years, this pack contains a range of different activities based on the theme of waste. The activities cover a mixture of topics including: the environment and pollution, recycling, separating materials, waste degradation, and digestion. Designed for use in class or within a science week...

Astronauts have been taking photographs of the Earth from space for over 50 years and Earth observation ...
