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This session introduces the 'Saving Today's Dinosaurs' course with a video which explains pupils will be thinking about the living things that humans share the planet with, how humans can have a positive or negative impact on the environment, and how we can help protect living things from extinction. Children will...

This resource introduces pupils to the uses of 1D barcodes and 2D barcodes (Quick response or QR codes). Pupils are asked to research the 2 types of barcodes, their advantages and disadvantages. They are then directed to websites to create their own 1D and 2D barcodes. The tasks in the resource could be used in...

These three 45 minute sessions follow on from the introductory session to 'Saving Today's Dinosaurs' and explore stories of how humans are trying to have a positive impact on the environment to address the problems of

2A - habitat loss...

This session recaps the different types of human impact on birds and introduces the idea of migration and birds needing a network of places to rest and visit on their long journey. 

Pupils will combine everything they've learned in the previous 'Saving Today's...

Nets are used to make almost all forms of card packaging, ranging from simple cereal boxes to display boxes with clear polymer ‘windows’, to display stands. In this activity children consider how 3D packaging may be made from a 2D net, then make card models of a pyramid and a cube from nets. They may combine...

In this resource students are asked to find the value of several calculations that involve addition, subtraction and the squaring of fractions. Students are asked to spot patterns and similarities within the questions in order to generalise. The investigation concludes bu using algebra to prove their conjectures....

This session provides the materials needed to organise a 'showcase day' for pupils to share the creations and ideas they developed as part of the 'Saving Today's Dinosaurs' course. A template letter is provided for schools to invite guests to the event, and PowerPoint...

These resources consist of a presentation and activity sheets to support design and technology students aged 14-16. It helps students to gain knowledge and understanding of sustainable development and the use of precious resources. The 6 R's are:

  • Rethink: what could be done differently?
  • Refuse...

This resource gives a general introduction to cosmology; the branch of science that studies the Universe and attempts to explain how it came...

This resource provides a general introduction to the Universe starting with the solar system and ending with the way that galaxies are arranged in patterns, the large scale structure of the Universe. The presentation is light on facts, however it aims to introduce general concepts and give a sense of scale to the...

The initial task involves using factors of 12 and -12 to set up two points. Compasses are used to draw a circle that has the two points as its diameter. An interesting feature of the resulting...

The initial investigation uses an inductive formula and two initial values to derive a sequence that results in a series of fractions before returning to the initial two values of the sequence. A spreadsheet is provided that performs the calculations given in the inductive formula. This is helpful for both checking...

There is an initial investigation of geometric progressions where the interval between the first and second, and the third and fourth terms are given, with the challenge of discovering two possible values for the first term and associated common ratio. There are ten examples to work on to enable collaboration...

This resource aimed at primary learners, links to electricity, design and technology and aspects of literacy. Children learn about motors and how many objects use electricity to improve their usefulness. Looking at a variety of objects they compare their features and then take on the role of an entrepreneur and...

In these activities, from Siemens, students identify the importance of medical imaging in diagnosis and consider the advantages offered by MRI scans. They then apply their knowledge of wave and particle physics to explain the operation of an MRI scanner.
