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Showing results for "Atoms, elements and compounds"

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A Catalyst article investigating a few of the uses of naturally occurring oils. These oils are extracted from animal fats or plant seeds and can be turned into a variety of compounds including soaps, fuel and margarine. The article looks at oils as fuels, their use in paint and detergents and problems with their...

A Catalyst article about what happens as plants grow. During their growth, plants remove compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium from soil which need to be replaced to maintain the soil’s fertility. For centuries farmers have used organic manures, crop rotation or ploughed in specially grown crops; today...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), in this investigation, students look at the effectiveness of enzymes used in the commercial production of fruit juices.

Fruit juice companies use enzymes to break down the cells walls within the fruits and release the liquids and the sugars which make up...

A Catalyst article looking at how modern archaeology uses analytical chemical techniques to answer questions about ancient civilisations and animals. Scientists working at the University of Bristol match compounds present in archaeological materials to those in modern plants and animals which were likely to have...

This Catalyst article looks at the process of photosynthesis, by which plants make a range of biochemical compounds. The article explains how photosynthesis actually ties in with growth. Respiration is happening all the time in all cells in all living organisms. Taken on its own, photosynthesis adds materials to...

One of a series of articles for post-16 students published by Science and Plants for Schools (SAPS). Plants attacked by herbivores or pathogens respond by synthesising additional physical and chemical defences and so increasing their resistance to subsequent assaults. The induced defences are initiated close to the...

This is one of the 14 Background Books published for Stage III of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book is mainly an account of theories of acidity with examples to explain the importance of acids.

There are two parts to this book:...

In this lesson, students apply their knowledge of chemical kinetics, spectroscopy, and structure and bonding, to an exciting new context – the chemistry of interstellar space. Having watched an engaging animation, students work in groups to find out about the nature of...

These chemistry resources for students in Years 10-11 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the Teachers' Pack.

The cross-curricular topics explored are:-

  • green chemistry...

Produced by the Royal Astronomical Society, this booklet describes the advances and uses of infrared astronomy. Using this wavelength to observe the universe allows astronomers to visualise phenomena such as dust clouds involved in the formation of new stars and identify elements present in the atmosphere of...

In this set of three activities, pupils will learn how their senses and instruments can be used to describe and measure weather conditions. Pupils will learn to identify the weather elements, to observe and record weather conditions and identify local weather processes. They will learn that satellites, computers...

This game-writing activity using Scratch will bring back youthful memories for some! It provides...

The video begins by showing the many misconceptions that people have concerning the Earth’s formation.  It then explains that the Earth was formed from elements formed in stars.


This video uses a gambling scenario to consider taking risks. Some elements of probability theory are introduced.


The videos in this collection from teachers TV are aimed at secondary school science practitioners. They contain materials that can be used in the classroom, as stimulus material.

Clips in this section cover a wide range of topics, including:
* astronomy, space and the solar system
* Earth...
