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Will Carleysmith, senior designer at Brompton Bicycle, describes how designers need an understanding of materials and manufacturing processes are essential in his role. He explains how mathematics and CAD are used in the design process, as well as...

This short film clip shows the different machines, work areas and production processes in the Brompton Bicycle factory.


This short clip shows the stages of folding a Brompton bicycle.


 These materials look at three possible projects that relate to sustainable travel.

* Communications project - students gather information and explain about ‘green’ transport policies, reducing and offsetting carbon footprints.

* Practical project - students investigate how to compare carbon dioxide...

 These materials look at three possible projects that relate to a wet suit used in open water swimming during a triathlon:

* Communications project - students gather information about the materials wetsuits are made from and explain what features make them suitable for athletes.

* Practical project -...

In this project, students test the strength of samples from different items of clothing to find out which material is the strongest.  One way to see which material is strongest would be to hang weights from it until it breaks, with the one that holds the most weight being the strongest. 

Groups of students from Townley Grammar School for Girls took part in RHS Wisley’s Budding Gardeners' Wonderland’ Competition 2015, with the assistance of two STEM Ambassadors – an RHS landscape designer and a landscape architect. The brief was similar to an enterprise project – to create a competition standard 1mx...


This resource focusses on exploring shape, nets, wheels and axles. This activity uses pupil’s prior knowledge of nets to make a base for a vehicle. It then introduces the use of axles and wheels to enable the car to move. It could be used at key stage 1 to develop understanding of the use of axles and wheels in...

In this resource, students will use the theme of football on the Moon to learn how electronic intercom circuits can help players communicate. Students will gain an understanding of how sound waves travel and are received to allow them to be heard in the ear. Building on students pre-existing knowledge of circuits...

In this activity students design and model a robot arm in 2D, need to be able to name the main parts of a robot arm and to be able to design and make a 2D card model of a 3D product. Robot arms are an example of a programmable system. They are used in a wide variety of industrial applications, ranging from loading...

The Build the Change initiative from LEGO Group’s Sustainability team is designed to help children express their hopes and dreams for the future with LEGO® bricks and other creative materials, plus their own imagination, via learning...

With just a few materials, building a paper model of the International Space Station (ISS) can become a class project. This publication contains a brief overview of the ISS, its parts, the science that occurs on board, instructions, and extension fact sheets. Learn about the ISS, explore fun facts, simulate...

In this resource from the European Space Agency, students design and program a LEGO- built rover. Basic instructions are first programmed with the LEGO brick. Then, to remotely control the LEGO-built rover, students program it with the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 software. The objective is to conduct a space experiment...

In this resource designed by the IET children use their maths skills to build their own football team. The activities explore the maths of fantasy football and football cards. Pupils compare numbers and measures, add totals and find differences within the context of exploring the ways that footballers can be...
