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Showing results for "Photosynthesis and plant nutrition"

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Reference sheets from the Nuffield Foundation to help you plan use of the Designing at Key Stage Three resources. For example, map links between tasks, check time required for activities and their level of difficulty.

The planning sheets are:

*Capability task summary table:
Lists all the...

Find out how engineers who work in disaster response save lives on a massive scale. This Tomorrow’s Engineers poster and accompanying teacher booklet, activities and a lesson plan will help students to understand the scale and impact of disaster response engineering.

Many types of engineering are employed in...

From the Chilled Food Association, this resource helps children to think about how they taste food and find out about the work of a taste scientist. The materials are aimed at STEM ambassadors or company personnel giving a talk in a primary school. However, they can be adapted for use by teachers in the classroom...

From the Chilled Food Association, this resource helps children to think about how they taste food and find out about the work of a taste scientist. The materials are aimed at STEM ambassadors or company personnel giving a talk in a primary school. However, they can be adapted for use by teachers in the classroom...

This guide was intended for use by mentors who are supporting teachers being trained as part of the Teach Food Technology programme. The guide prepares them to work with their nominated mentee and plan a mentoring day. The contents of the guide may also be useful for all those involved in mentoring a new food...

In this activity children use their Design & Technology skills to design and make takeaway packaging and promotional material for their yoghurt cafés. English opportunities are built in when the children plan and perform their own television advertisements.

This is the sixth in a series of activities...

In this activity children design and make takeaway packaging and promotional material for their British pizzerias. Cross-curricular English opportunities are built in when the children plan and perform their own television advertisement.

This is the sixth in a series of activities where children work towards...

This resource provides a lesson plan and supporting resources that help Year 3 pupils to produce a food product using the design technology and maths curriculum. Through these resources children will work as part of a group, using previously grown herbs to create their own food product to market in later sessions....

This resource provides a lesson plan and supporting PowerPoint presentation that helps Year 3 pupils to promote a food product and design and make packaging as a part of the English and design technology curriculum. These resources will support children to use their technology skills to design, make and promote...

This resource provides a lesson plan and high quality supporting resources that help Year 4 pupils to identify the different types of teeth in humans and their simple functions. Through these resources children will learn the names and functions of different types of teeth, how to look after their teeth and the...

This resource gives Year 5 pupils the opportunity to work scientifically and use cross-curricular English skills as they design and conduct a fair investigation, investigate which material will keep food fresher for longer, design and make packaging and write and perform promotional material. Through this lesson...

This resources gives Year 5 pupils the opportunity to apply their mathematical skills in the context of a budget and solving multi step problems. This session should be completed after or during a teaching unit on written addition and subtraction methods. This lesson plan offers an engaging purpose for learning...

This resource allows Year 6 pupils to design and make packaging and offers cross-curricular writing opportunities by challenging children to write and perform promotional material. Through this lesson plan and supporting PowerPoint presentation pupils will take inspiration from food and restaurant advertisements...

This resource focuses on the Year 6 science curriculum supporting pupils to identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood and to investigate the effect of exercise on heart rate. Through this lesson plan and PowerPoint presentation...

This resource supports the electricity requirement of the Year 6 national curriculum supporting pupils to associate the brightness of a lamp with the number and voltage of cells in a circuit, to use recognised symbols when representing a simple circuit in a diagram and to design and make a lighting circuit for a...
