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This resource, published in 1980 looks at how craft, design and technology was being taught in schools and, using case studies as examples, examined what made for successful practice. The roles of teachers, heads of department, technicians and local authorities are examined, highlighting how these roles were...

This report, published in 1980 by the Association of Advisers in Design and Technical Studies, describes and justifies the area of the curriculum then known as craft, design and technology. It states the importance of the skills that it teaches - allowing individuals to interact rationally and positively with the...

In this activity pupils design and make a model of a foldable goal for use on the Moon, as part of a lunar league football game. They will consider the issues with playing football on the Moon and how to transport equipment to it, with the aim to design and make a model of a goal that could be folded into a tube...

In these activities, learners will create and develop a programmable pedestrian crossing using the micro:bit.


In these activities, learners will work in groups to share their knowledge of the use of technology in sport and to test a beep tester.


In this activity from the IET pupils learn about density and materials, whilst creating their own lava-lamps with water, sunflower oil, bicarbonate of soda and food colouring. They also learn how to create oil-and-water prints and mix olive oil and balsamic vinegar together to make a dipping sauce for bread. 

In this activity, aimed at primary-aged pupils, children will design and create an A4 sized collage portrait of King Charles III to celebrate the coronation, using recycled materials. Portraits might also include objects such as his crown, throne or sceptre and/or a background to represent London, the United...

In this activity, primary pupils make use of the theme of the King’s coronation to design a stone garden in the style of a flag or other item to commemorate the event. They will consider the design brief for the criteria, use a template to produce a design on paper, consider the scale for the final display and...

This is one of a set of resources from the IET that uses the theme of the lunar new year to reinforce basic maths skills through the use of Chinese calligraphy. The activity is aimed at key stage 3 pupils with low levels of attainment.

Pupils learn about and make use of Chinese calligraphy. They will learn...

At Bishop Challoner Catholic College in Birmingham, a STEM project entitled “Rockets in Motion” took place during the autumn term of the 2010-2011 academic year. The project ran through a series of after-school sessions led jointly by the science, technology and...

Produced by Becta, these case studies illustrate how information communication technology (ICT) can be used to enhance teaching and learning in science. This case study looks at how children in science designed a timing mechanism that could be used in Physical Education (PE).

Children used their timer to...

This resource challenges students to design a spectacular human-powered invention for creating the spark which lights the bio-fuel generator of a newly built state-of-the-art, eco-friendly house. The students need to produce a design for their invention and enough evidence to convince the judges that the device...

Students often seem uncomfortable when confronted with a science teacher talking about mathematics in a science lesson or a design and technology teacher talking about science in a design and technology lesson.


The Crumble “Getting Started” guide includes an overview of the Crumble software and a step-by-step guide to writing your first program. It also covers:

  • Sparkle control
  • Motor control
  • Using inputs (digital and analogue)
  • Using variables and maths in your programs

Two worksheet based activities that can be used to identify the impacts of technology upon people to sustain their communities in the future. The first activity considers the cultural impact upon sustainability with key questions to research and the second task is an analysis activity looking at cultural, economic...
