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This resource by Pedagogics explores subtle adjustments to teacher's language in order to be less emotive, more objective-led and promote progress.

This is one of a series of resources from the IET designed around the theme of the future of flight with the purpose of developing pupils knowledge and skills in design technology, engineering and mathematics. When spacecraft and jet aircraft land...


A useful handbook for setting up a student-led STEM club, with exemplars from three schools.

It is increasingly recognised that giving students opportunities to act as ambassadors and mentors for STEM subjects outside of school can be of great benefit to the individual, their institution, and to the broader...

In this video from Osiris Educational Bill Rodgers discusses his...

Students who refuse to follow instructions are among the most...

This resource, from Mathematics for Engineering Exemplars, shows the application of mathematics within the mechanical and civil engineering industry. Here students learn how calculations for displacement, velocity and acceleration, caused during loading, are used to ensure that they are not so large as to adversely...

This resource, from Mathematics for Engineering Exemplars, shows the application of mathematics when designing and developing engines. As well as considering the power requirements for a given application, the vibration of the system should be considered. The engine installation in a machine must ensure that the...

This resource, from Mathematics for Engineering Exemplars, shows the application of mathematics within the field of sports technology to compare the potential for injury to the knee or ankle when cycling and when jogging. Students model a situation involving oscillations, looking at inertial forces, Newton’s Laws...

The Evidence for Policy and Practice Information and Coordinating Centre (EPPICentre) was commissioned by the Wellcome Trust to undertake this systematic review of research about subject choice. The main aim of the review was to examine the factors that influence the STEM subject choices of young people (14-19...

This resource describes how engineers at Rolls Royce apply physics and chemistry in the development of their engines, including how materials behave in extreme conditions, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, the use of computer modelling to look at forces and energy transfers, and the use of maths in performance...

This series is a perfect combination between STEM and career guidance as it introduces readers to the different ways the people in this series use science, technology, engineering, and math...

The aim of this survey was to analyse the elements of successful nurture group provision and the difference that nurture groups make to the outcomes for students. Nurture groups are small, structured teaching groups for students showing signs of behavioural, social or emotional difficulties, particularly those who...

This document from the Department of Education looks at how Saint Benedict Academy supports pupils who persistently misbehave in their turnaround centre and deal with poor behaviour consistently. The resource explores the school's turnaround centre and it's 'C' system, as part of the managing behaviour and bullying...
