Showing results for "Energy"

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This activity links to aspects of energy production and electricity, giving pupils the opportunity to follow instructions to create their own wind turbines. This activity could be included in a lesson focusing on how wind turbines are one of many methods used to produce a sustainable energy source.

The key ideas contained in this resource involve getting pupils thinking about how we get the power we need to support the wide variety of functions we have come to rely upon. Some of these activities focus upon specific technologies and how they work and others look at how an overall power supply system can be...


This is one of a series of resources from the IET designed around the theme of the future of flight with the purpose of developing pupils knowledge and skills in engineering and mathematics. This activity explores water-powered ‘hero’ rotary engines, which convert water pressure to rotary motion. Devices of this...

The engineers behind the Watt Nightclub in Rotterdam turn the energy created by clubbers on the dance-floor into power for the lighting. There is even a giant battery to monitor the energy and encourage the crowd to dance more. These resources look at how colour can affect mood and at how electric power can be...

This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Ross Wattie, a risk management coordinator at an international integrated energy company.

Ross is currently involved in risk modelling to simulate different scenarios and assess their possible impacts. He has also found that his...

This video introduces the idea that engineers are working to save lives and save our planet. "...

The story of the Siemens brothers, and their involvement in the invention and development of innovative and ground breaking technology, provides the stimulus for this set of resources designed for KS3 learners. The resources include:

  • interactive games and supporting teaching activities and worksheets...

This poster displays quotes from STEM Ambassadors who use robotics in their role:

  • Researcher
  • Offshore Renewables Energy Engineer
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer

This film, from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, explains the process of nuclear fusion. Culham Centre for Fusion Energy is one of the world's leading fusion research laboratories, where scientists and engineers are working with partners around the globe to develop fusion as a new source of clean energy for...

”When you tell people you make stars for a living, their heads turn and their mouths open.” The video features Dr Kim Cave-Ayland who is a control engineer at Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE). 


Solar Detectives, from the Centre for Science Education, is a set of teaching materials which offer a cross-curricular approach to learning about engineering. Students build and modify a model solar car and research the science and mathematics underlying the use of...


This activity investigates the potential of hydrogen fuel cells as a means of energy generation and storage. Students make hydrogen gas by electrolysis, supported by practical instruction sheet. Combined with the Burning Fuels 2 resource, students can explore the...

