Showing results for "Chemical analysis"

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This engineering resource, produced by Mathematics in Education and Industry (MEI) for the Royal Academy of Engineering, asks the question: how can production outcome data from a manufacturing process be analysed to optimise the process? Students consider the outputs of resistors to see the outcomes form a normal...

The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC) produces classroom resources and teacher guidance to help highlight the links between classroom science and science-based industry. Resources in this collection contain information about the chemical and plastics industries as well as practical guidance about...

These technical briefs look at agricultural production in many parts of the world, carried out on a small-scale by farmers. Relatively small improvements in agricultural practice can have a big impact on yield and dramatically improve the life of a farmer and their family.

Technical briefs are documents...

The aim of this Ofsted survey was to analyse the elements of successful alternative provision. Alternative provision has been defined as education outside school, arranged by local authorities or schools. For the purpose of this survey, alternative provision was defined as something in which a young person...

These technical briefs look at the ways Practical Action have helped poor communities to make the best use of their own labour and to use locally produced building materials and techniques that they can afford and manage.

Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action which are freely available...

These technical briefs focus on energy access as a key element in lifting people out of poverty. In remote locations small-scale renewable...

This interactive online game from Siemens introduces students to the opportunities and challenges presented by different energy technologies. Students are required to implement an energy system that meets the demand to run a farm whilst minimising the cost and environmental impact. 


These technical briefs look at how to store and preserve food in a number of different ways. This is a vital part of food security and enables farmers to provide nutritious food for a longer period to feed their families and to provide an income.

Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action...

These technical briefs focus on manufacturing on a small-scale. It is an important livelihood for many people in the developing world and businesses are usually run by a family or a small group within the same community.

Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action which are freely available...

Loughborough University's sports engineers are using additive layer manufacturing or '3D printing' to help build personalised running spikes. Andrea Vinet is a research student at the Sports Technology Institute and has been looking at the manufacturing and human performance testing of running shoes. Her aim is to...

The aim of this survey was to analyse the elements of successful nurture group provision and the difference that nurture groups make to the outcomes for students. Nurture groups are small, structured teaching groups for students showing signs of behavioural, social or emotional difficulties, particularly those who...

These technical briefs focus on ways to transport goods and people in a relatively low cost way. This is important to people in the...

These technical briefs focus on low cost approaches to accessing clean water and sanitation. This is vital to health and well being and low costs are particularly important to poorer communities in the developing world.

Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action which are freely available to...
