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Produced by the former Department for Children, Schools and Families, this guide supports the delivery of Diplomas. It explores ways to encourage both male and female learners to consider qualifications and careers that are not typical to their gender. It suggests activities that consortia can carry out to engage...

This London Engineering Project paper, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, describes the processes and practices for developing gender neutral and culturally appropriate engineering activities in schools.


Produced in 2011 by the Learning Skills Improvement Service, these materials help to demonstrate effective practice. From the College of West Anglia, this case study looks at the themes of equality and diversity and careers. The low numbers of girls in engineering has been recognised as a problem for some time....

Generation Logistics is an initiative from the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transportation to demonstrate to students and teachers the relevance of the logistics industry to their lives and the wide variety of career opportunities available.

The resources contained within this collection apply real-...

This London Engineering Project best practice case study, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, describes the actions and results of the project's efforts to integrate equality and ensure the participation of girls in STEM activities.


This London Engineering Project guide, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, describes efforts to attract more girls to engineering as a choice of subject for study and as a career.

The guide aims to share the...

Chris joined McLaren's graduate programme four years ago. He now has a big input on the engineering of super-fast cars like the one in this video.


An inspiring poster for upper primary school pupils showing how engineers transform the way we design buildings. 

A set of six inspiring green engineering careers posters showing how engineers transform the way we travel, eat, use, power things, build and breathe. Includes suggested discussion points and homework tasks.

Produced for the Department for Education, this resource from Sheffield Hallam University, is designed to help employers, teachers, students and anyone involved in work experience develop strategies for creating good quality placements for young people aged 14–19.


Published termly, the HEaTED magazines bring together information, ideas and resources to support technicians in FE and HE institutions. The magazines also highlight resources and professional development opportunities.

Building a technicians' network is the leading article of the Autumn issue of the HEaTED magazine. Other articles outline the benefits of professional registration, describe the highlights of the 'Technicians make it happen' campaign and include an interview with the Aerospace Technical Project Manager in the...

Eddie is the head of device and sim technology at Vodafone UK, his discusses his role in this video. Eddie and his team make sure customers’ handsets works with Vodafone's network. He aims to provide a good customer experience as well as working with the latest technology. He did well at school and studied maths,...

This video presents James, head of engineering for a radio company. James discusses how after finishing school he didn't know what to study at university. After discovering a passion for sound engineering he went on to study it further, and how he was offered the role of junior engineer. James also discusses his...
