Showing results for "Early Year mathematics"

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A Catalyst article about gaining Chartered Engineer status. The process from application through education to professional experience is explained.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE Science Review 2009, Volume 19, Issue 4.

Catalyst is a...

Chris joined McLaren's graduate programme four years ago. He now has a big input on the engineering of super-fast cars like the one in this video.


The Science Education Tracker is a survey of young people’s attitudes towards and experiences of science education and careers. 

"We want to understand more about young people’s experiences and views on science and related topics. The survey results will help inform what we and others do in policy, education...

This Catalyst article introduces Michael Pocock, an ecologist who surveys UK environments and constructs food chains of the species he identifies. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 3.

Catalyst is a...

From the UK Space Agency, this issue of Space:UK magazine contains news and features on: * 50 years in space and tracking orbiting spacecraft. * Upgrading Hubble and the next generation of space observatories. * Using Devon rock to help prepare for a mission to Mars. * Europe’s mission to monitor the Earth’s...

More complex careers, with more options in both work and learning, are opening up new opportunities for many people.  However they are also making decisions harder for young people and adults given the financial and emotional penalties associated with making wrong decisions.

There are around 1.09m young...

Support from employers is a vital part of all young people’s careers education.

This employer’s guide to STEM careers education explains how employer engagement can support secondary schools and colleges in England to deliver high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers...

Jia-Ja Gu explains her work in research and technology for British Telecom. Her research is in connected communities, bringing innovative products and services to people in a linked and connected way. One application of her research involves putting sensors in litter bins which transmit information across a...

In activity, students produce an Engineering ‘specification’ based on application of their science and mathematics knowledge and understanding. This will be put into the context of risks to London from flooding and the need for improved flood defences due to increased risk of higher floods due to rising sea levels...


This report, from the Royal Academy of Engineering, offers fresh insights into the ways engineers think. It suggests ways in which the education system might be redesigned to develop engineers more effectively and makes suggestions as to how the wider public might become engaged with these issues. The report...

The Gatsby Charitable Foundation has undertaken a number of previous studies in order to deliver a greater understanding of the UK’s technician workforce. Key has been the 2012 publication by Geoff Mason Science, Engineering and Technology Technicians in the UK Economy, which was crucial in exploring cross-sectoral...

From Rolls-Royce, these materials are designed to show students the exciting range of careers that are available for students with science, technology, engineering or mathematics skills.

This resource aims to help students see the link between classroom STEM subjects and opportunities in the world of work....

This resource from the Department for Education is designed to help students to understand the relative nature of time, and how this affects working in an international environment.

Students are required to record the time in different time zones on the provided worksheet. They then consider some of the...

This resource is an interview with Josh - a catastrophe consultant.

