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Showing results for "further mathematics"

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There is widespread agreement about the importance of mathematics for individuals and for wider society. The Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) believes that all students should receive high quality mathematics teaching from teachers who are themselves professional learners. A world-class education...

Produced by the Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study looks at the themes of employer engagement and mathematics. The project, by Rotherham College of Arts and Technology, aimed to generate an understanding of the industrial application of mathematics in learners, staff and employers. It...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, discusses the importance of statistics and computing to developments in medical research. Sequencing the human genome was a fantastic achievement, but it was only the beginning. Now, statisticians are coming up with new...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

Optimisation on the...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

Shopping by num...

The many applications of mechanics make it an important topic of interest to applied mathematicians, scientists and engineers. This resource, produced by the Centre for Teaching Mathematics at the University of Plymouth, is designed to provide a more realistic view of mechanics and help the teaching of mechanics...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

The shape of time - Vérinique Pagé...

This collection features eleven resources on the topic of probability.

The resources feature:

  • Concept development lessons that focus on developing conceptual understanding of significant mathematical ideas.
  • Problem solving lessons that focus on the...

This set of starting activities from RISPs cover a wide range of topics leading directly into the mathematic syllabus for A2 level. The risps resources are grouped by topic and each comes with accompanying teachers' notes.

Topics for A2 mathematics included in this resource are:


The fourth and final Royal Society ‘state of the nation’ report considers the ‘pool’ of the UK’s 16–19 year old students taking mainstream science and mathematics combinations suitable for entry to higher education. It makes three major points about these students.

• The size of this ‘pool’ is critical to...

This is a CPD taster created to give teachers a better understanding of what to expect when joining one of our secondary CPD courses. Below you will find a video and a task for you to do in your own time. Once you have done the activity, ...

This report considers the teaching and learning of statistics across a number of A-level subjects other than mathematics. The role of statistics is considered in biology, business studies, chemistry, computing, economics, geography, history, physics, psychology and sociology. The report contains twenty two...

In this video a parent of prospective Core Maths students discusses her thoughts on recent changes in mathematics education and the importance of mathematics skills in the workplace.


Published by LSIS, this research report describes a project carried out by the City of Wolverhampton College. The project was a joint collaboration between Skills for Life and Access to HE teachers. A collection of ready-made, active learning numeracy resources were produced. The project makes use of the approaches...

This Mathematics Matters case study looks at how mathematicians are aiding the fight against viruses. Many viruses have a symmetrical structure made from basic building blocks, and biologists have struggled to explain some of the more detailed shapes. Now mathematicians are using complex theories of symmetry to...
