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This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the second in the Alpha Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by more able students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of book one and allows students to review and extend their knowledge of specific topics.


This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the third in the Alpha Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by more able students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their knowledge of specific topics.


This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, is the fourth in the Alpha Mathematics series of text books which were developed for use by more able students of junior and middle school age. It continues the theme of previous books and allows students to review and extend their knowledge of specific topics....

This resource, published by Schofield & Sims, accompanies the text books for the Alpha Mathematics series, which catered for more able students at junior and middle school, and contains detailed notes on the implementation of the scheme which includes:

*a synopsis of the contents of the Alpha series, the...

Alpha Mathematics and Beta Mathematics, first published by Schofield & Sims in the 1970s, were developed to provide a cohesive, progressively planned course which, when completed, would give students of junior and middle school age a broadly-based foundation in mathematics, deemed essential for future progress...

The aim of this Ofsted survey was to analyse the elements of successful alternative provision. Alternative provision has been defined as education outside school, arranged by local authorities or schools. For the purpose of this survey, alternative provision was defined as something in which a young person...

A screen grab is shown of a product page from the internet. The list price is given, together with the amount saved. The new price and the percentage discount are blanked out. The task is to find the discounted price and the percentage discount.

The screen grab is shown again, but this time with the new...

This Mathematics Matters case study describes how mathematicians help to boost efficiency in the energy industry by mapping buried oil reserves. As oil supplies become harder and more expensive to reach, it’s essential that we maximise the yield from available reservoirs in any way possible. Mathematicians are...

This report, published by the Nuffield Foundation in 2010, provides an international comparison of upper secondary mathematics education in 24 countries, including England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It is based on data collected as part of a research review, which was subsequently validated and...

This resource for Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four students provides some statistics about the eating habits of children in Italy and asks students to compare and contrast these with their own eating habits. Through this activity, students have to interpret charts and graphs, plan how to collect data and design a...

In this teacher presentation and collection of student worksheets a pair of simultaneous equations is given, one of which is non-linear. A second pair of similar simultaneous equations is given; that has the same solutions. Students are challenged to explain why.

Each student worksheet contains different...

This activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), introduces students to the differences between analogue and digital communication. An analogue signal can be rendered useless by small amounts of interference, whereas a digital signal remains...

In this activity, students use data on electricity consumption to investigate how average values are calculated. They also consider how accurate a source of published data is and whether it may contain bias.


This extension activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), follows on from the How Much Waste?...

In this resource, from the DfES Standards Unit, students learn to define a sequence using the
general form of the nth term, define a sequence inductively, recognise and define an arithmetic and a geometric progression and to reflect on and discuss these processes. Students should have some understanding of...
