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This activity is produced by the Maths Magic project. Why Does That Work? describes a simple trick using a domino. Students are asked to use algebra to explain why the trick works. The lesson plan links to Numeracy Strategy material Mind readers and What's the trick? assessing students’ progress in mathematics at...

From Rolls-Royce, these materials are designed to show students the exciting range of careers that are available for students with science, technology, engineering or mathematics skills.

This resource aims to help students see the link between classroom STEM subjects and opportunities in the world of work....

Children learn about design, symmetry and reflection in this resource from the IET whilst designing, making and evaluating their own paper snowflakes. The resource also includes an extension activity wordsearch to support the learning of new vocabulary.

In this classroom resource pupils learn how space debris is generated. It includes two investigations looking at how collisions between objects can lead to further collisions, and how impact causes some materials to fracture into many particles using crisps.

The resource includes pupil worksheets as well as...

This collection provides a cross-curricular learning package which supports learning about the work of Dr Edward Jenner on developing a vaccine for Smallpox. All activities are based around a short film, which highlights Jenner’s work from the viewpoint of a child living at the time in which he worked on the...


The resources in this collection focus on the wider issues relating to society and health. They provide a ‘big picture’ in relation to the connection between society and health and the development of new technologies. The activities allow students to explore social, ethical, economic and health issues relating to...

In this lesson, students investigate the claim that using a Nintendo Wii computer game is a good way to keep fit and that people, therefore, should be encouraged to use them. They compare how their resting pulse rate changes when they have been playing a normal games...

This Study Plus unit from the National Strategies aims to develop students’ understanding of angle properties in shapes. It begins with the idea of tiling a floor and which shapes will tessellate.

After an initial emphasis on discovering angle facts from regular polygons, the unit moves on to using angle...

In this numeracy activity, children work out surface areas and solve the problem of how to get the maximum number of shapes out of a given area. They are given the context of engineers working in a packaging factory who have to design the best layout for the cutting machines, work out the wastage left from each...

In this activity students explore the problem of analysing the effect of wind speed when temperatures are low requiring students to be able to substitute values into a formula. The formula for wind chill used in this resource depends upon the air temperature and the...

This resource, from Mathematics for Engineering Exemplars, shows the application of mathematics within the field of mechanical and electrical engineering in the power industry. When planning a wind farm it is important to know the expected power and energy output of each wind turbine to be able to calculate its...

This resource from the IET Faraday programme, supported by MEI and Tomorrow's Engineers, provides students with the opportunity to explore the mathematics behind wind turbines, including fractions, ratio and solving equations.

"A wind turbine is a device that converts the wind's...

This resource aims to give students the opportunity to investigate the impact of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) on wheelchair sport. Students create a presentation that provides a justified answer to the ‘big question’, does engineering design make a difference to a wheelchair athlete's...
