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EV refers to Electric Vehicles and in this lesson pupils explore data, statistics, graphs and infographics related to road traffic and emissions from cars in the UK. They will critique graphs, read scales and calculate percentages looking at trends in vehicle registrations and proportions of types of newly...

In this lesson students develop their estimation and proportional reasoning skills, developing a sense of scale of large numbers, in the context of planting trees to achieve net zero.

Students explore estimates around the numbers of trees people are planting and what this looks like in terms of land use as...

In this lesson students examine whether reports of extreme cold weather provide evidence that global warming is not happening. They look at the New York Times graphs of summer temperature distributions for the northern hemisphere for different periods and interrogate/critique these graphs.

Students will read...

In this lesson students explore data showing how much carbon dioxide different species of tree absorb from the atmosphere.

Students interpret data, statistics, graphs and infographics and make predictions and draw conclusions in the context of considering why trees are good for the environment. Students will...


This Cre8ate maths activity investigates the ratio of surface area to volume in adults and babies and explains why we keep babies wrapped up in winter.

To calculate surface area and volume students make scale models...

This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, looks at how mathematics modelling can aid investigations into the circulatory system. Blood-related diseases can seriously harm patients’ quality of life and even lead to death. Many of these diseases are caused by...

This activity requires students to consider the problem of maximising the market available to a pizza shop through the ability to keep a home-delivered pizza warm for longer. Students use a mathematical model to explore the issue that a pizza home delivery business faces in ensuring that the pizza arrives hot! They...

This is a selection of CPD resources including teaching ideas from the Secondary National Strategy, chosen to support planning, teaching and assessment.

The resources cover:

  • Geometrical reasoning including Visualisations, Build-ups, Sample problems and Planning
  • Proportional reasoning...

The National Strategies developed and produced a range of materials to support the teaching of those students who were below the expected level for their year and would benefit from working on material that was not in the main teaching programme for that year.

Year Seven - Springboard 7 was a catch-up...

These materials, developed by the National Strategies, were intended to support teachers in addressing the needs of those Year Eight students who entered Key Stage Three having achieved level three, or a low level four, in the Key Stage Two National Curriculum tests in...

This version of the National Curriculum for primary schools was published in January 1995 for implementation later that year. Programmes of study and attainment targets are set out for each of the subjects taught at Key Stages One and Two - English, mathematics, science, design and technology, information...

A presentation highlighting seven strategies for behaviour management.

This review, published by the Nuffield Foundation, presents a synthesis of research on mathematics learning by children from the age of five to the age of sixteen years and identifies the issues that are fundamental to understanding children’s mathematics learning. The report concentrates on three main questions...

These resources are provided by the Nuffield Foundation who, in 2007, commissioned a team from the University of Oxford to review the available research literature on how children learn mathematics. The resulting review is presented in a series of eight papers.

Paper 1 Overview - summarises...
