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The Mechanics in Action Project helped teachers explore the use of practical investigations in mechanics. It aimed to make the subject more interesting and accessible by providing exciting ideas for experienced teachers and support for those who lacked confidence in the subject.

Mechathlon, from the Centre for Science Education, is a set of teaching materials which offer a cross-curricular approach to learning about engineering. The context for this case study is designing a multipurpose vehicle which could aid recovery following a devastating...


This task assesses how well students understand calculating conditional probability. Some of the tasks require either systematic listing or use of  tree diagrams.

The task features a ‘memory game’. In the game there are four cards, two have a picture of an apple on them, and two have a picture of bananas. In...

This resource contains exercises requiring students to answer questions relating to the dimensions of the square, the circle, sectors of circles, the cube, the cylinder and the sphere. The resource begins with teacher notes to provide some additional background information.

Squares: Students...

Designed to improve confidence in mathematics, these resources from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching, focus on mensuration and were developed particularly for primary teachers and those non-specialists who teach mathematics in the lower secondary years. Each section offers an overview of a...

'Mental arithmetic' provides rich and varied...

Students are presented with two calculation ‘tricks’ involving squaring two digit numbers. They then use algebra to explore the reasons why the method works.

The short presentation can be used to show examples to illustrate each of the methods.

The teachers...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study tackles the theme of progression through STEM subjects. It looks at a mentoring scheme set up by St Francis Xavier College to support students in mathematics. In the scheme, A2 students were paired with AS students and given advice about...

Merlin is an Excel add-in developed to enable students to draw statistical diagrams and to perform a number of statistical tests. The add-in was written to support the statistical elements of the biology advanced level curriculum but will also have applications in mathematics and other subjects where statistics are...

This Core Maths resource contains two activities concerned with sampling.

The first activity asks students to review and summarise the key features, advantages and disadvantages of Random, Systematic, Stratified, Quota and Cluster sampling methods.


This worksheet challenges students to manipulate and convert units of measurement. It provides worked examples, examiners top tips and answers to each question. The resource is useful for teaching maths content in design and technology, or as a maths activity sheet.

In this Core Maths task students use statistical techniques to evaluate a number of Public Health initiatives, using the notion of a ‘microlife’- a measure of the impact on an individual’s expected lifespan of various lifestyle choices.

Microlives: Front sheet
This teacher guidance...

This guidance, from the National Strategies, is aimed at middle leaders in secondary schools: subject and year leaders, SENCOs and other coordinators of aspects of school improvement.

The resource provides guidance for middle leaders in evaluating the performance of their teams and the teams’ impact on...
