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This Core Maths activity gives students the opportunity to practise using the Normal Distribution to solve problems in a variety of situations. 

Students calculate and interpret mean and standard deviation and draw diagrams such as a box plot.They need a good understanding of...

Northampton Academy is a large modern secondary school with over 1400 pupils. This case study deals with the staffing challenges within the maths department including recruiting a non-specialist teacher to deliver Core Maths. 

In this set of three activities, pupils will learn how their senses and instruments can be used to describe and measure weather conditions. Pupils will learn to identify the weather elements, to observe and record weather conditions and identify local weather processes. They will learn that satellites, computers...

This document, provided by the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching (CIMT), describes the rationale behind the scheme. Its suggested teaching philosophy is based on whole-class activity led by the teacher and individual (or paired) work but with most students undertaking the same tasks. These tasks...

This Nuffield Foundation Project was a collaboration which drew on the expertise of the Supported Self Study Unit in Northumberland, the Mechanics in Action project in Manchester, teachers in several Local Authorities as well as the insights of team members at the King’s College London and the West Sussex Institute...

Book One of Nuffield Advanced Mathematics was the first of five core text books. It bridged the gap between GCSE and AS and A level Mathematics. It was designed to be accessible to students who had attained GCSE grade C and above, and to develop a strong foundation for...

Book Two of Nuffield Advanced Mathematics built on the foundations started in Book One. Like the other books in the series it consisted mainly of activities through which students could develop their understanding of mathematical ideas and results, or could apply their...

Book Three of Nuffield Advanced Mathematics contained the units that, with Books One and Two, made up the AS course. These units extended the students’ knowledge of algebra, calculus, exponential functions and handling data. It also introduced vectors.


Book Four of Nuffield Advanced Mathematics included the first five units of the core A2 part of the advanced level course. The book showed how to find polynomials to fit given data, it gave a number of ways of solving equations by iteration, and it also introduced...

Book Five of Nuffield Advanced Mathematics contained the last four units of the core A2 course. The units in this book completed the treatment of calculus and statistics in the core.


The five books covering the core course of Nuffield Advanced Mathematics each consisted mainly of activities through which students could develop their understanding of mathematical ideas and results, or could apply their knowledge and understanding to problems of various kinds. The activities were designed to make...

As part of the Nuffield Advanced Mathematics A-level course, each student had to choose an option to study from a list of eight titles. Students could take Further Mathematics at AS or A level by taking a further three or six options.

The option books were intended to be as suitable for individual work and...

The Nuffield Advanced Mathematics Resources file provided supporting material for four types of calculator and for the spreadsheet, Excel.

The program listings in the calculator sections were designed to be...

The teacher's notes for Nuffield Advanced Mathematics were designed to help teachers organise and to support their work with students.

The student materials were designed to support a flexible approach to teaching and...

In addition to the core text books and the options, the Nuffield Advanced Mathematics project published two other resources for students to support their learning and broaden their appreciation of mathematics.
