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This sub-collection of materials from the dy/dan collection contains three resources that bring mathematical storytelling to the classroom in the context of ‘percentages and fractions’. Resources comprise:

  • Act One: a video or photograph to provide a ‘hook’ to the problem

  • Act Two:...

To complete this Core Maths students need to be familiar with financial concepts including taxation, National Insurance, and buying and selling shares.

The assessment task os based on the use of...

Carom Maths provides this resource for teachers and students of A Level mathematics.

In this presentation the definition of a perfect number is explained and students are challenged to show that 496 is a perfect...

In this resource from the DfE Standards Unit, students analyse simple number 'tricks', and explain how they work, using algebra. They then try to create their own variants of the trick, making it more impressive. Students will: develop an understanding of linear expressions and equations; make simple conjectures...

The Nuffield Foundation provides this resource which reviews the perimeter and area of rectangles and shapes made from rectangles. The activity can be introduced by viewing the slideshow and a student information sheet, which contains the main points is also provided. The activity cards allow students to...

This resource is part of a Nuffield Maths collection exploring Shape and Space. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in Higher Level GCSE and Level 2 Functional Mathematics.

Students explore perimeter and area by asking 'How much lawn feed will be needed?' Students find the perimeter and area of...

This collection of Nuffield Maths resources explores Personal Finance. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in GCE A level.


This document was designed to help school leaders and teachers explore key aspects of personalised teaching and learning and to consider their priorities for further development. For each aspect, there is a section on “How to do this well”, and the guidance was firmly based on practice consistently demonstrated in...

This interactive excel file allows students to investigate two-point perspective drawings of some simple shapes. The concept is put into context by a picture of the interior of a French church.

The shapes in the...

This task is designed to assess how well students understand ratio and arranging areas.

The task shows a large photograph with its width and height marked. Two arrangements are shown for printing the large photograph together with two smaller copies:

  • Two smaller photographs are placed with their...

In this activity students create a graphical ready reckoner to assess physical fitness. The challenge is to construct the ready reckoner and ultimately use it in practical situations. Students are required to plot straight line graphs.


Testing physical fitness is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. Students are provided with sample data, which they apply to the Gallagher and Brouha Test to calculate the fitness index and determine appropriate grades. The resource is designed to prompt class...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by Mathematics for Education and Industry (MEI), this activity for post-16 students demonstrates that coffee cools gradually because it is hotter than room temperature and heat is lost to the room. Mixing the coffee with milk also cools it but this effect is...

From the Integrating Mathematical Problem Solving project by MEI, this series of activities explores how mechanical oscillations are important in many areas of everyday life. Sometimes they are useful, for example the motion of the suspension on a car, sometimes they...

In this activity students roll rice filled balls (to mimic boccia balls) down a slope and measure the distance that they roll after the end of the slope. The ball is released from different heights up the slope and a graph of stopping distance is plotted. Students must then compete to roll their balls to a target...
