Showing results for "Chemical reactions"

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This series of interactive excel sheets look the forces within strings.

The first sheet shows an adjustable mass hanging on an inextensible string, and demonstrates the fact that the tension is equal to the weight....

The below videos have been created to demonstrate the themes and activities in the Movie music...

This is a CPD taster created to give teachers a better understanding of what to expect when joining one of our secondary mathematics in science courses. Below you will find a video and a task for you to do in your own time. Once you have done the activity, ...

Water is crucial to human life, but it can also be a killer. Water contaminated with micro-organisms or chemicals, which is then used for drinking or cooking, is a leading cause of disease and death across the world. Poor facilities for the disposal of sewage and other waste water can quickly lead to the spread of...

This resource consists of ten topics, each section containing a brief explanation, examples and exercises.

Sets begins with a definition of a set and continues with the elements of a set, set notation, subsets, intersection and union of sets, Venn diagrams, the laws of sets and concludes...

This series of interactive excel sheets help investigate geometric series and progressions.

The first sheet generates the terms of a geometric progression, for |r| ≥ 1, and the value of a further term. A new sequence...

The second of two volumes, from SMILE mathematics, of useful and interesting activities covering a wide range of mathematical themes. Teachers describe the ways in which they have used the ideas in the classroom and provide a number of tips and suggestions to help vary...

A resource from the National Curriculum Council (NCC). One of the first acts of the new Labour government was to announce national targets for literacy and numeracy, these were for 75 per cent of 11 year olds to achieve the standards expected for their age in mathematics by 2002.

The Numeracy Task Force was...

This resource from the Royal Statistical Society Centre for Statistical Education (RSSCSE) consists of the level 2 units. For each unit below there are comprehensive teachers' notes giving an overview of the unit, the aims and objectives for that unit, and prior learning or prerequisites and the equipment required...

This resource, from Nuffield Foundation, provides clear guidance on the content, methods and timing appropriate at each stage of the Nuffield Maths 5 - 11 project, which was developed to promote students' understanding of the concepts, as well as proficiency in the...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

Chemotaxis: how bacteria mov...
