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These materials provide examples of effective practice in equality and diversity within STEM subjects and careers. 

The non-statutory guidance containing information on what schools need to do to meet their requirements under the equality duties can be found...

If the reader struggles with the maths in science, this series of books is for them. These textbook companions will help improve their essential maths skills for chemistry, physics and biology whichever awarding body specification they are following....

The ‘Experimenting with Industry’ series was published in the mid-1980s when it presented industry-related science practicals for schools. It was developed as part of a 'teachers into industry' project organised by The Association for Science Education (ASE) on behalf...

This Catalyst article looks at life in extreme environments on Earth which can suggest how life might exist on Mars. One of the developments in recent years that really opened up scientists’ eyes to the possibility of life on Mars has been the realization of just how adaptable and versatile life on Earth is.


What is the perfect curve of a ball’s trajectory, what must the ideal turf be like, and...
