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These documents from the Department for Education provide tools to support the development of young students' knowledge and understanding of their personal skills and capabilities.

*Personal Capabilities Framework
This chart presents three domains for personal capability - thinking, self-belief and...

From the Department for Education, this resource is an accessible summary of good practice when delivering careers information and guidance. It will be useful for tutors, subject teachers, and careers advisers involved in STEM and other subject areas.

This pack from the Department for Education was developed for careers education and information, advice and guidance (IAG) practitioners to support their work in engaging tutors, subject teachers, personal and careers advisers in the business of STEM careers awareness.

The resources are designed to boost the...

This handy guide has been produced with a view to helping others deal with the practicalities of starting up a STEM Club. The guide includes advice on the following:

  • Decide on why you want to set up a STEM club
  • Approach people who might be interested in getting involved
  • Timing
  • ...

The below videos have been created to demonstrate the themes and activities in the Movie music...

Produced for the Department for Education, this document contains an extensive list of web sites that will be useful to practitioners offering information and guidance in STEM careers to young people.

STEM Fairs offer wide and varied opportunities to expand students’ views of the world of STEM. This collection of resources, provided by the British Science Association, with support from Intel Education, includes practical help for teachers to get the most out of a STEM Fair. The materials offer advice applicable...

These guidance resources are provided by the British Science Association, with support from Intel Education. They give guidance that includes both attending a STEM fair and running an event. There are three sections:


Provided by the British Science Association, with support from Intel Education, these resources provide an insight into a range of activities involved in organising and taking part in STEM fairs. They include contributions from a teacher taking part in STEM competitions...

These materials are provided by the British Science Association and supported by Intel. They aim to give an overview of the types of activities that happen at STEM fairs. The guide is useful in preparing students when visiting a fair. It also covers some of the key...

As teachers of STEM subjects, the National STEM Learning Centre and Network is here to help teachers inspire, excite and engage students.

Published termly, the STEM Learning magazines bring together engaging, useful...

Under the banner of Building a successful network, Dr Katherine Forsey and Sue Churm consider how to create a technical network and how to get the most from it, Jenny Phillips explores the challenges FE practitioners face and Ed Walsh explains what the teacher recognition scheme...

Pioneering technical services are explored in the cover article of the summer issue of STEM Learning Magazine for Post-16 and FE sectors. Other articles describe changes to A levels and GCSEs,  provide advice on conducting A level biology practicals, and look into investigating radiation levels from space. There is...

As experts in teaching of STEM subjects, the National STEM Learning Centre and Network is here to help teachers inspire, excite and engage students.

Published termly, the STEM Learning magazines bring together...
