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This outreach programme aimed to build upon good practice from the Royal Society of Chemistry's (RSC) project Chemistry for our Future, and to develop new activities which could then be used with the RSC’s Spectroscopy in a Suitcase (SIAS) equipment. It explored appropriate contexts which may appeal to students...

Chris Holmes is a sports technologist for sports equipment manufacturer Adidas. This Department for Education clip is useful in showing students how a career such as this relies on a background of STEM study. Chris describes how he specialises in the development of sports balls. His job is to investigate the best...


This Mathematics Matters case study, from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, discusses the importance of statistics and computing to developments in medical research. Sequencing the human genome was a fantastic achievement, but it was only the beginning. Now, statisticians are coming up with new...

We know that sometimes it can be difficult to visualise what STEM Ambassadors actually do.

Even after speaking to colleagues who are old hands at delivering activities, questions can still remain. Why do I need to meet the teacher first? What if the students are bored? How do I make it relevant? Where do I...

Stephanie Kwolek invented the tough polymer Kevlar, used in protective clothing and developed a method for demonstrating the production of nylon in the classroom which is still used today.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 1.


A Catalyst article about working as a photographer in a scientific laboratory. The photographer explains how he sees his role as producing striking images to help promote these facilities and science in general and explains how he goes about achieving this.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science...


Steve looks at new technologies that advance the space industry.  He works at the Space Applications Catapult, in Harwell.  He gives the example of how image processing techniques used in the satellite industry can be used in the medical imaging.  Imaging data has also been used to prevent illegal logging and to...

This video features Chris Clemente, from Cambridge University, who is studying the mechanisms that ants and other insects (especially cockroaches) use to walk down as well as up walls. Ants have incredibly sticky feet.

With them they can hang onto ceilings, whilst carrying 100 times their body weight. But if...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study tackles the theme of progression through STEM. From East Durham College, it highlights the strategies put in place to increase retention rates and success rates on the ‘Access to HE’ programme. This involved the development of a pre-Access...

A useful handbook for setting up a student-led STEM club, with exemplars from three schools.

It is increasingly recognised that giving students opportunities to act as ambassadors and mentors for STEM subjects outside of school can be of great benefit to the individual, their institution, and to the broader...

To celebrate the 2024 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games we have created this collection of resources covering a variety of sporting activities and technology in sport topics. There is a collection for primary level and another with activities suitable for secondary students. 

This resource describes how engineers at Rolls Royce apply physics and chemistry in the development of their engines, including how materials behave in extreme conditions, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, the use of computer modelling to look at forces and energy transfers, and the use of maths in performance...
