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Mathematics plays a vital part in space flight, it gives us a way both to predict what should happen in the future and also ways to measure what’s actually happening in the present, and adapt to it. In this resource we look at a few places where maths helps in space flight. The maths is made simple here (it’s far,...

With this simulation, students build an understanding of solution concentration by varying amounts of solute, solvent, and solution. Experimenting with several different chemicals in solid and concentrated solution form, students can develop qualitative and quantitative relationships.

Learning objectives...

This resource from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS) is presented as a survival guide for students, describing how to handle numbers correctly, standard form, the use of scientific calculators, the definition of a mole, calculating molarity, Avogadro’s number, how to express concentrations and how to...

The idea of a concept cartoon, can be used to assess children’s ideas at the start or end of a topic. Look at the snowman’s coat concept cartoons, which misconceptions do you think children will have about thermal insulation? Think about the next science topic that you will be teaching and find out the...

This concept cartoon explores student's ideas about heat and insulation. A common misconception is that some materials have the property of making things warm. In this case because we have put coats on to keep warm there is a tendency to believe that the coat will also make the snowman warm so that it will melt...

This concept cartoon, from the Association for Science Education (ASE), is focusing on food and vegetarianism. Concept cartoons provide a new approach to teaching, learning and assessment in science, they feature cartoon-style drawings showing different characters...

This concept cartoon, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE), focuses on light. Concept cartoons provide a new approach to teaching, learning and assessment in science, they feature cartoon-style drawings showing different characters arguing about everyday situations. They are designed to intrigue...

This concept cartoon, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE), is focusing on weather forecasting. Concept cartoons provide a new approach to teaching, learning and assessment in science, they feature cartoon-style drawings showing different characters...

Produced by Solar Spark, this activity allows students to see a condensation polymerisation reaction in action as the polyamide polymer, Nylon, is produced. This is a condensation polymer made of two parent monomers, a di-amine and a di-acid chloride.

The reaction can be used to illustrate:

This downloadable video is part of the multimedia package Stuff and Substance, developed by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). It can be used to show water condensing out of the air. A pure sample of water is normally in the liquid state at room temperature, but water particles can remain separated...

This video is the full experiment in real time to investigate the rate of conduction in various metals.


This Pedagogics resource uses the following quote from the Chinese philosopher Confucius: "Tell me...and I will forget. Show me... and I will remember. Involve me... and I will understand"

This article discusses how simple observations of pests on horse chestnut trees can contribute to a 'citizen science' project. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2015, Volume 25, Issue 4.

Catalyst is a science magazine for...


In this Catalyst article, David Edwards studies ways of reducing the impact of human activities in tropical regions. The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 3.

Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged...
