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In this Triple Crossed resource, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, Marc Bolan's 1977 car crash is used as the context for an activity that covers forces, car safety and advances in the car industry. Students are asked to consider the differences between the old...

This activity involves perspective, modelling, light and shadow. Close up photographs of the Moon’s surface show all sorts of interesting features. Craters are amongst the most interesting, especially when the Sun’s light grazes low across the lunar landscape. The aim of the exercise is to recreate a realistic...

In this activity children learn about the parts of a flower by constructing a flower from a selection of materials. Once created the flowers can be used to discuss the role of each part in reproduction. Further ideas can be found in the full resource...

Create your own flowering plant collage using selected materials. Once created label the different parts and discuss their role in a plant. Further ideas can be found in the full resource Parts...

This resource combines understanding of the natural world with maths skills, to create a map and guidebook of the local flora and fauna. In this activity learners will work together to gather information about local flora and fauna. They will create a map with coordinates showing the location of plants and animals...

In this activity from the IET pupils learn about density and materials, whilst creating their own lava-lamps with water, sunflower oil, bicarbonate of soda and food colouring. They also learn how to create oil-and-water prints and mix olive oil and balsamic vinegar together to make a dipping sauce for bread. 

In this activity, students make their own thermometer using a jar and a straw. There is a simple explanation of expansion in liquids and questions for students to answer about the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.

At Bishop Challoner Catholic College in Birmingham, a STEM project entitled “Rockets in Motion” took place during the autumn term of the 2010-2011 academic year. The project ran through a series of after-school sessions led jointly by the science, technology and...

This resource is a National Strategies teacher study unit for science subject leaders, science teachers and higher level teaching assistants on building challenge into lessons. There is a specific focus on questioning, learning outcomes and identifying opportunities to...

Produced by Becta, these case studies illustrate how information communication technology (ICT) can be used to enhance teaching and learning in science. This case study looks at how children in science designed a timing mechanism that could be used in Physical Education (PE).

Children used their timer to...

This resource challenges students to design a spectacular human-powered invention for creating the spark which lights the bio-fuel generator of a newly built state-of-the-art, eco-friendly house. The students need to produce a design for their invention and enough evidence to convince the judges that the device...

Published by the Wellcome Trust in 2007, this report is the product of a feasibility study for a touring exhibition to promote creative learning in science. The study involved:

* Evaluating the Trust's objectives for such an exhibition and making recommendations on the
feasibility of meeting these...

Produced by the Learning Skills Improvement Service (LSIS), this case study tackles the themes of harnessing technology and innovation in STEM. The purpose of the project was to investigate how interactive whiteboards could be used to enhance teaching practices within STEM delivery at Southgate College Professional...

If you teach or work with students between the age of 11 and 19 and you want to inspire and motivate them to get involved in real science, then Crest Awards may be the vehicle to deliver this.

This guide, from triple science support, has been produced for teachers who are looking for activities with...
