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Showing results for "demonstrations"

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This collection of videos show ESA Astronaut, Tim Peake, on the International Space Station, demonstrating the physics of collisions.  In this free-fall environment, Tim can demonstrate how objects collide without the observed effects of gravitational acceleration with similar experiments performed in the classroom...

This collection of videos show ESA Astronaut, Tim Peake, on the International Space Station, demonstrating kinetic theory.  In this free-fall environment, Tim can demonstrate the behaviour of an ideal gas without the observed effects of gravitational acceleration with similar experiments performed in the classroom...

Investigate properties of materials and decide which would be suitable for use on a spacecraft, in this resource aimed at upper primary children. A PowerPoint presentation, which includes an introduction from a space scientist, sets the real world context for their...

From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode provides a quantitative definition for resistance (R = V / I) which reinforces the qualitative notion that more resistance means less current. It looks at Ohm’s law, describing that this is not the same thing as the definition of resistance.


In these activities, from the Institute of Physics, the concept of electrical power is explored. Students find that the energy transferred by an electrical component depends on the potential difference, current and the time for which it operates.


From the Institute of Physics, this learning episode links Kirchhoff’s circuit laws to the conservation of charge and energy. Students can verify the laws experimentally and use them to solve simple circuit problems.


Produced by the Institute of Physics, this learning episode helps students to distinguish alternating from direct currents before revising why alternating current (ac) is so important.

The range of activities include...

This learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, help students extend the idea of a magnetic force on a current to consider moving charges.

A range of activities are suggested and these include:
• demonstrating the deviation of an electron beam
• investigating the relationship between...

In this learning episode, from the Institute of Physics, students investigate the absorption of radiation and how this can be illustrated experimentally. The investigations look at sources of alpha and beta radiation. A model, looking at the absorption of light as it passes through successive microscope slides, is...

Nearly two hundred years after Faraday wowed his audiences by demonstrating electromagnetic induction, this clip takes a variety of exciting and contemporary examples through which to explain the principles behind the phenomenon that has made it possible to produce and distribute electrical energy on a large scale...

One of a series of resources from Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS) investigating key topics in plant biology. An intriguing way to demonstrate gravitropism in action over the course of a lesson. Using black film canisters, a freshly cut seedling stalk (hypocotyl...

Produced by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, this practical activity allows students to create an origami model of DNA, demonstrating its double helix structure. The activity provides a hands-on way of learning about the structure of DNA.

Two templates are available as PDFs; a standard template with the...


Stephanie Kwolek invented the tough polymer Kevlar, used in protective clothing and developed a method for demonstrating the production of nylon in the classroom which is still used today.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 1.


In this activity pupils will be able to discuss various ways of simulating gravity in space and the importance for maintaining a healthy body for the return to Earth. Working in teams of four, pupils should choose their favourite exercise or sport and adapt it for space. They should identify the forces required for...
