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This resource from Siemens consists of a series of lessons based around a cross curriculum interactive online game designed for KS3 and KS4 students to develop knowledge across mathematics, science and technology. Students are required to select an energy plan for the energy island from several technologies. As...

A Year Ten module from the Salters’ double award science course. The module begins by looking at the large variety of labour-saving devices now available and their impact on life-styles. Students work with a range of common electrical devices to investigate the relative...

This multimedia package was developed by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme to provide teachers with clear and consistent ways of talking about energy. Energy is a particularly difficult concept to explain. These resources aim to cut through the confusion that often surrounds the energy concept, and examines...

Produced by Becta, these case studies illustrate how information communication technology (ICT) can be used to enhance teaching and learning in science.

This case study looks at renewable energy resources. It describes how students listed as many energy resources as they could before visiting an alternative...

This resource, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) includes a number of activities to support environment teaching in science and citizenship and addresses concerns about our 'environmental footprint'.

Our use of energy resources is an important theme in science at Key Stage Three.


This Nuffield Pathways Through Science module provides a programme of activities designed to help students to appreciate that current ways of supplying the energy needs of society are not sustainable. The module is presented in six episodes:
En 1: What are the...

This simulation allows students to learn about conservation of energy with a skater dude! Students can explore different tracks and investigate the relationship between the kinetic energy, potential energy, and thermal energy of the skater. They can also build their own tracks, ramps and jumps for the skater.


This booklet is part of the ‘Innovations in Practical Work’ series published by the Gatsby Science Enhancement Programme (SEP). An important part of understanding energy is getting to know the different ways it can be stored and transferred. Finding ways to do this with...

These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Understand that when a force makes things change it mechanically transfers energy between different energy stores.

  • Understand that friction transfers energy...

For the vast majority of people modern life is dependent on electricity. Researchers at the University of Oxford are looking into what we use electricity for and when, in order to ensure that in the future, supply meets demand at all times. 


A Year 11 module from the Salters’ Key Stage Four double award science course. This module deals with the generation, transmission and supply of electric power.

Understanding of the inductive effect is developed...

This Salters’ Chemistry Course unit from the University of York Science Education Group covered:
* Sources and uses of energy.
* Conservation of energy.
* Alternative and renewable energy sources.
* Solar energy as a fundamental source of biomass...

A Catalyst article devoted to food chains. This article looks at photosynthesis and the loss of energy from plants to animals throughout the food chain. How this limits the number of animals that can survive on the energy fixed by a patch of vegetation is explained. Foraging characteristics and how many animals can...
