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From NASA, these images show astronauts from early space missions, to the space shuttle and international space station. The images can be used to illustrate human space exploration in a range of resources. Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space and Neil Armstrong, part of the Apollo 11 mission, was the first...

The immune system is what keeps us healthy in spite of the many organisms and substances that can do us harm. Explore how our bodies are designed to prevent potentially harmful objects from getting inside, and what happens when bacteria, viruses, fungi or other foreign organisms or substances breach these barriers...

Understand the major components of the non-specific (innate)  and specific (adaptive) immune responses

Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine.

This resource looks at several aspects of the immune system including:

  • The non-specific immune response
  • Specific immune response and antigen recognition
  • T cells and B cells
  • ...

Nine facts show how intricate the immune system is.

This resource, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) includes a number of activities to support immunisation teaching in science and the QCA Citizenship unit 'What's in the public interest?' Science and technology can bring great benefits to humanity. At the same time science can seem challenging, even...

How is a vaccine developed, what is in it and how does it work?

A Catalyst article about giant asteroids. Astronomers say that, one day, a giant rock from space will collide with the Earth and cause mass devastation. This could lead to the extinction of many species, including humans. The article looks at what can be done to prepare for such an impact and what happened when a...

This report looks at the impact of two National STEM Learning CPD activities - Primary science specialist (2013 -14) and New and aspiring primary science specialist (2014 -15).

The full...

Published in June 2010 , this report from the Centre for Studies in Science and Mathematics Education aims to discover whether CPD has a positive impact in enhancing the personal understandings and teaching of science by the teacher and the subsequent learning of students.

The full collection of STEM...

Published in May 2012, this report from Sheffield Hallam University's Centre for Education and Inclusion Research, aimed to explore the impact of the support for the CPD of teachers provided by the Science Learning Centres on individual teachers’ career progression and retention within the profession.


Published in March 2013, this report from Babcock Research  focusses on the qualitative and quantitative impact the Science Learning Centre has on CPD for technicians.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and evaluation research reports can be viewed...

Produced by Solar Spark, this activity allows students to consider the impacts of an available source of electricity on communities in developing nations. People who have unreliable or no access to electricity find their lives changed for the better if they do have access to reliable electricity. One of the ways of...

Published in 2012, by the US Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences,  this paper detailed how researchers examined...

Published in February 2010, this study from the University of York's Department of Educational Studies, focusses on the impact of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes offered by the National Network of Science Learning Centres, in 2009-2010.

The full collection of STEM Learning impact and...
