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This STEMNET resource describes the background and career of STEM Ambassador Heather Williams, a senior medical physicist in a hospital nuclear medicine department.

Heather found that studying physics at school sparked a particular interest in radiation and its applications in medicine. A key part of her...

The resources in this collection from the Medical Research Council (MRC) help to advance understanding of the latest advances in biomedical research.

The Medical Research Council funds cutting edge research in the UK. It also supports research across the biomedical spectrum, from fundamental lab-based...

This resource, produced by the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), contains a presentation and teachers' notes with worksheets. It illustrates the uses of ultrasound in medicine.

The presentation describes:

* what is ultrasound

* how...

This activity sheet is based on the Inventive Podcast.  It introduces an engineer and links their work to electromagnets in medical imaging. The activity sheet also supports Careers Benchmark 4: Careers in the curriculum by introducing a career and role model. There are also links to short audio clips of the...

This activity includes three to four sessions where the students  construct a game using an electrical circuit and a buzzer. Surgeons need to have a steady hand, and so will all the students in your club if they are to build and operate on their own patient.

This Catalyst article...

Produced by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI), this interactive resource is designed to help students learn about medicines, their effects and how they are administered. The tasks look at:

  • The absorption of a medicine and how the body handles that dose.
  • Dosing...

This resource uses the packaging and launch of a new medicine as a context for learning about what medicines are, different types of medicine, and how to use graphs to work out the best dose and the best time interval between doses.

Children are tasked with investigating which conditions produce the most mould and which are the quickest, by using bread stored in a variety of conditions. Children are encouraged to make a prediction about the results, and then to observe and record their results. 

This set of activities looks at the basic mechanism of how painkillers work, how our bodies respond to pain and how these medicines help us to overcome it.

The activities can be used at careers fairs or in the classroom. Students create their own model of a painkiller – aspirin, paracetamol or ibuprofen....

Produced by the new economics foundation (nef), this resource contains activities that help students to discuss and understand issues around medical ethics. The materials contain teacher guidance, student information and a range of activities that promote discussion and debate.

Medicine, Ethics and Me is a...

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these resources help to put curriculum science in a real life context. The activities use the pharmaceutical industry as a real life context to encourage children to look at the properties of materials, changing state and separation techniques....

Children are set the task of finding a suitable coating to cover tablets, to slow down the dissolving process in water, by testing coatings on effervescent tablets. Children are encouraged to record their findings.

Produced by The Centre for Industry Education Collaboration (CIEC), these resources help to put curriculum science in a real life context. The activities provide an opportunity for children to think about micro-organisms and come to understand that they can be both helpful and harmful. This approach makes the...

An interactive resource from Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) that illustrates treatments for infectious diseases both past and present, and explains the need to develop new medicines to keep pace with mutation. Students learn about different types of treatments, and also what happens to...
