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This book was written by the Nuffield Junior Science project to show teachers how seasonal materials offer children many opportunities to carry out simple investigations. The aim was to help children to build up, over the years, a picture of the continuity and wholeness...

This Catalyst article presents the work of three chemists - Martin Karplus, Michael Levitt and Arieh Warshel - who won the 2013 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Their work allowed the development of complex computer models of compounds and reactions.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014,...

This activity comes as a presentation, aimed at using an engaging animal to probe the children's thinking, reasoning and scientific talk skills. Asking questions such as: ‘What is its habitat?’, ‘How would you classify it?’ and ‘Where in the World would you find it?’ it provides an opportunity to get the children...

This collection of resources from BAE Systems contains a series of worksheets for use in the classroom. Looking at different aspects of science, design and technology, and mathematics, they provide activity ideas alongside explanations of the concepts underpinning the investigations. They also aim to encourage...

The BBC micro:bit is a small programmable device, designed to engage children with coding and the world of digital. Given to all 11-12 year old students across the UK in 2016, it is supported with a range of programming environments available here.


The BBC micro:bit is a great tool for carrying out surveys that involve quickly counting and recording one or two variables. Using the button inputs provides a simple interface to the device allowing, for instance, quick tallying of the numbers of two different types of bee around a plant. Other examples might...

Some diagnostic questions from BEST 11-14 have been adapted for use in primary science (age 7-11). The development and adaptation of these diagnostic questions was part of a pilot study which was funded by the Salters’ Institute.

The diagnostic...

This collection highlights BEST age 11-14 resources that overlap with primary science so can be used when teaching primary science. These have been organised into English national curriculum topics.

We live on the Earth and it is the only planet that we know that has abundant and complex life.  It is important we understand how the Earth and space systems interact and how this affects us.

“Earth and Space” is one of the topics in the Best Evidence Science Teaching collection for pupils aged 7 to 11....

These activities from the BEST project (age 11 to 14) can be used with primary pupils. The diagnostic questions probe pupils' ability:

  • to identify magnets and magnetic materials
  • describe rules of attraction and repulsion between magnets
  • to identify situations in which a force is...

These activities from the BEST project can be used with primary pupils.  The diagnostic question probes pupils' understanding of how bones, muscles and tissues work together to support, protect and move the human body.The response activity helps to develop pupils' understanding of the function performed by the...

These activities from the BEST project can be used with primary pupils. The diagnostic question probes pupils' understanding of the different types of rock and the materials they are made from. The response activity helps to develop pupils' understanding of keys words to describe different types of rocks and...

These activities from the BEST project can be used with primary pupils. The diagnostic questions probe pupils' initial understanding and the response activities help to develop pupils' understanding further and are designed to follow on from the diagnostic questions. These activities explore food chains and the...

These activities from the BEST project can be used with primary pupils. The diagnostic question probes pupils' understanding of complete circuits.



These activities from the BEST project can be used with primary pupils. The diagnostic question probes pupils' understanding of the different elements of a sound. The response activity helps to develop pupils' understanding of how the size and frequency of vibrations affect the volume and pitch of sounds and is...
