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This film tells the story of how DNA sequencing was used to identify the gene BRAF. Clinical researcher Ultan McDermott tells the story of how scientists at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute discovered a specific mutation in the BRAF gene, which is found in around half of malignant melanoma cases. He...

These biology resources for students in Years 10-11 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the ...

These biology resources for students in Years 7-9 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the ...

These chemistry resources for students in Years 10-11 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the Teachers' Pack.

The cross-curricular topics explored are:-

  • green chemistry...

These chemistry resources for students in Years 7-9 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the ...

These physics resources for students in Years 7-9 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the Teachers' Pack.

Lesson aims:-

  • To develop an understanding of colour vision...

These physics resources for students in Years 9-11 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the Teachers' Pack.


  • to explore the scientific aspects of the Big Bang
  • ...

These physics resources for students in Years 7-9 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the Teachers' Pack.

These physics resources for students in Years 9-11 are part of the BRaSS initiative and should be used in conjunction with the Teachers' Pack. There are five lessons of approximately 50 minutes’ duration and teachers are free...

This lesson explores the ways in which scientific methods and theories develop over time and the nature of progression in physics.

Students are encouraged to contrast the way in which physics is presented to them, as something fixed, with the actual process of doing physics through history, to gain a sense...

The Broadening Secondary School Science, or BRaSS initiative, seeks to develop teachers’ and students’ understanding and insight about:-

  • how knowledge works
  • cross-curricular links in science 
  • the place of...

This is a hand-on activity to explore the inheritance of cystic fibrosis, using counters to represent normal and faulty CFTR genes.  Curriculum links include:

  • Punnet squares & autosomal recessive diseases
  • Autosomal...

This resource presents four Fermi problems, or back-of-the-envelope calculations, based on a video about an underwater volcano disaster.  Students are expected to develop experience of using quantitative reasoning techniques and gain an...

These wide-ranging resources provide information and guidance that will help practitioners and employers consider issues such as gender equality, subject choice, inclusive pedagogy and providing successful work placements.

This concept cartoon focuses on bacteria, infection and the immune system. Concept cartoons provide a new approach to teaching, learning and assessment in science, they feature cartoon-style drawings showing different characters arguing about everyday situations. They are designed to intrigue, to provoke discussion...
