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This resource supports students in carrying out independent investigations.  It helps them to choose, plan, carry out and write up an in-depth scientific investigation.

Students will use a checklist to critically assess a report of a scientific investigation, and then summarise their findings. The checklist itemises all the important information that should be included in a scientific report and the scientific processes that should have been employed in the investigation.

This resource gives an overview of the scientific method, and includes information of biases.

In these videos, from the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), scientists talk about what their jobs entail and what they enjoy most about their chosen career.

Scimorph is a Prototype Augmented Reality (AR) Character to promote engagement with science. Its target audience are Year Six students although useable across a much wider range. The resource can be used as a lesson introduction and to provoke discussion and exploration of scientific principles. It may also be...

This resource explores the potential benefits and risks of a national screening programme for cystic fibrosis (CF) carriers. Students are presented with the proposal that all 14 year olds should be encouraged to have a screening test to identify whether they are a...

In this activity, students consider how engineers build the hull of lifeboats so that they are light and strong. Students are challenged to construct a beam using cheese crackers, wafers, paperclips, bridge supports. They can consider building beams using a wider range of materials such as aluminium or wood beam...

This resource, aimed at Key Stage Two, looks at the how the properties of a material lead to it being used for a particular purpose. The lesson plan provides links to the topics of everyday materials and their uses, forces and design and technology. Children are asked to make observations of lifeboats thinking...

These activities, from the Centre for Science Education's Science Assessment Tasks for More Able Students, were developed as part of '2005 - Year of the Sea'. The student activities consist of three assessment tasks. These are backed up by a set of exemplar materials for teachers to support their judgements.


In this set of activities, students will investigate Arctic sea ice and its connection to climate. They will discover what happens when oceans freeze by carrying out a series of practical experiments. They have the opportunity to analyse real images from ESA satellites (CryoSat and Copernicus) to locate sea ice...

A series of three short videos from the University of Liverpool, offering three perspectives on rising sea levels. 

Personal perspective


The mystery ...

This resource, aimed at Key Stage Two, investigates heat transfer as one of the principles of heat pumps used to heat lifeboat stations. Linking to the topics of materials and their properties and changes of state, children learn how heat moves from high energy (warm) to lower energy (cold) down a gradient and how...

