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This concept cartoon focuses on temperature change in chemical reactions. Concept cartoons provide an approach to teaching, learning and assessment in science, they feature cartoon-style drawings showing different characters arguing about everyday situations. They are designed to intrigue, to provoke discussion and...

Inspired by the Born to Engineer video from George Edwards, a young engineer whose understanding of temperature measurement helps him to create a newly engineered product, this resource supports students to increase their understanding of engineering by learning about temperature control and its importance in the...


Using a sample of iron wire you measure the temperature coefficient of resistance. By plotting a graph of temperature against resistance you will then be able to determine the temperature coefficient. This can be using a Wheatstone Bridge, or a digital ohm meter if preferred.

This video investigates the temperature–time relationship for melting ice. A graph to show the change of state is plotted. 


This collection has been produced in celebration of ten years of continuing professional development run through the National Science Learning Centre. These practical experiments and demonstrations have been selected by the National Science Learning Centre, and their key partners, as the ten experiments that...

This Catalyst article looks at how our knowledge of the human genome has increased greatly during the last 10 years, and genome sequencing techniques have become much faster. On 26th June 2000 it was announced that scientists had completed a first draft of the human genome, the DNA instructions for making a human...

The terminal velocities of cupcake cases are calculated in this video and a graph of mass versus terminal velocity is plotted to investigate the relationship. 


In this activity, students review their results from a previous investigation to form a hypothesis, consider the validity and size of the data set collected, and question if the data would be sufficient to confirm their claim.


A Catalyst article exploring the testing of new medicines to see if they are safe for people to take. The effects on cells of a potential new drug are investigated using tissue cultures of human or animal cells. Some tissue cultures use fresh tissue samples, but most come from well-established laboratory cell...

This resource provides an activity idea and a recording sheet for testing how sound travels away from a source. In the activity children learn to recognise that the sound heard from a source gets fainter as the distance from the source increases.

This resource has been provided by Sigma Science.

In this Triple Crossed activity, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, students are provided with information about Charles Darwin and his work.

The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection is discussed and students are asked to comment on the...

Several different treatments are used to autolyse yeast cells. The viability of the autolysed yeast is then tested by: plating out on agar; testing for dehydrogenase activity; microscopic examination with methylene blue.


In this...
