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The main Salters’ Chemistry Course textbook from the University of York Science Education Group covered all the units included in all three years of the course, including the introductory first year.


The Salters’ Chemistry Course Guide, published by the University of York Science Education Group, was written to provide an introduction to the course and to supplement the sixteen unit guides which made up the main body of the course. Some parts were written for...

This Catalyst article explains how studying sand can reveal both the geological and biological history of a local environment as sand varies from place to place. Sand from near a copper smelter can contain grains of copper; grains can contain worm trails from microscopic worms living in the ocean. Even the grains...

This IPSE publication from the Association for Science Education (ASE) presents findings from the evaluation of the Local Education Authorities (LEAs) taking part in the Government funded scheme for promoting science in primary schools, 1985-8. The different LEAs adopted a wide variety of strategies for developing...

Published in 2008, this report from the TDA outlines the investigation into how professional development across Initial Teacher Training (ITT) and Early Professional Development (EPD) is manifested in secondary science teaching across England.


Using the context of archaeological science, students investigate the food and diet of the people of Stonehenge and the nearby settlement of Durrington Walls, 4500 years ago. There are opportunities for students to test rates of reactions between milk and acids or enzymes used in cheese making, to consider the...


This Open University text was designed as a unit for undergraduate level physics courses. Unit 32 was part of the S102 course, which was last presented in 1989. Although high energy particle physics has advanced since this time, with larger particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider, the information...

From the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this resource explains the leading role played by UK scientists and engineers at universities, observatories and research council establishments in the search for gravitational waves. Gravitational wave detectors are expected to open up a new window on the...

A Nature of Science reader that tells the story of how scientists have searched for some simple substances from which everything else might be made. The story starts with the discovery that fire could help to obtain metals from rocks and ends with Mendeleev’s triumphant discovery of the periodic law and the...

From the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this brochure describes the leading role played by UK scientists and engineers at universities, observatories and research council establishments in the search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). The UK's dark matter experiment, at Boulby Mine...


Edexcel’s GCSE Astronomy syllabus provides an opportunity for students to develop their understanding and enthusiasm for astronomy, as well as to complement and extend the reach of their study of Key Stage Four science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects.

This article from School Science...


A Catalyst article about Socotra, a small archipelago of four islands in the Indian Ocean off the horn of Africa, belonging to the Republic of Yemen. The islands are becoming famous for their range of animal and plant species and for their use as a natural 'laboratory' where ideas about evolution can be tested. The...
