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This Nuffield Primary Science Teachers’ Guide for teaching the Variety of Life topic, to students aged 5-7, is divided into three chapters:

*Chapter 1: Planning - showing how to use the resources to plan a topic and,...

This Nuffield Primary Science Teachers’ Guide for teaching the Variety of Life topic, to students aged 7-12, is divided into five chapters:

*Chapter 1: Introduction - covering useful strategies, the SPACE approach and...

This report, published in February 2015, discusses the findings of ‘The Visible Classroom’ project, which ...

This Cape Farewell video clip provides a general introduction to the voyage of The Noorderlicht to Svalbard and to the Cape Farewell scientists Simon, Val and Sarah. The scientists discuss their work with two teachers, Mike and Subathra.

The presentation called...

Produced by Understanding Animal Research, this resource is a Key Stage Three science or citizenship activity looking at malaria, one of the world's greatest killers.

Why is such a small amount of research funding dedicated to this serious condition? Why should it take a celebrity sufferer, Cheryl Cole, to...

This short animation film joins the alien, Paxi, as he investigates the water cycle. He explains how...

This is one of the 14 Background Books published for Stage III of the Nuffield Chemistry Sample Scheme. The books were highly illustrated and designed to be attractive. This book consists of a series of articles about scientists who won the Nobel Prize between 1929 and...

This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with ICI. In this module students find out why pipes in a soda-ash chemical plant have become blocked with a white sludge. They identify the sludge and determine...

Published in 1993 by the Association for Science Education, this report was a response to concerns about primary curriculum overload and the place of science as a core subject within the curriculum. A task group including practising teachers, a primary head teacher, a science adviser, lecturers and researchers in...

This brightly coloured leaflet from the Microbiology Society explains how good hand hygiene can reduce the spread of infection and also help prevent food poisoning. Specially designed, bold cartoons are used to illustrate the key points together with a list of fascinating facts about microbial transmission. It is...

Most people are all too familiar with the idea of animal parasites, including tape worms, ticks and lice. But did you know that plants can also act as parasites, exploiting resources from unwilling hosts? Rather than being rare anomalies, however, there are over 4000 known species of parasitic plants, with...

The World of Science book was based on a selection of the existing SATIS units that had stood the test of time. The project team set up by the Association for Science Education also devised new units to cover topics that had been introduced into the curriculum...

This Resource Book includes guidance and answers to questions together with photocopiable activity pages for each of the 44 topics covered in the World of Science textbook.

Types of activities

The 'World of Science' is not a...

This activity has a colourful and engaging reading page, followed by targeted questions which cover a broad range of reading skills, along with some linked grammar questions, such as questions, statements and commands. This fascinating fact sheet is also differentiated to both higher and lower abilities, with two...

In this practical protocol students investigate one way in which bacteria acquire antibiotic resistance through conjugation - horizontal gene transfer from one bacterial strain or species to another.

Plasmid-mediated evolution is fast because whole functional ‘modules’ are lost and gained, rather than the...
