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These fact sheets for primary aged pupils explore the how fresh water is needed for every part of our lives, and how access to clean water is becoming increasingly difficult with a growing population and changing climate so discovering new supplies and managing water carefully is more important than ever.

  • This annual competition is run by the National Physical Laboratory and challenges students to launch a rocket powered by water or air pressure and see how long they can keep it in the air, whilst trying to earn additional bonus seconds by landing it in designated...

This activity sheet builds on students' knowledge of separating mixtures and looks at how and why water is treated.  There is also an extension activity which looks at the importance of oxygenation of lake water.

This resource requires students to consider where their water comes from and what life would be like if it were not readily available. It examines the importance of the water we use being clean and the consequences if that water is not clean. Students investigate simple ways of making dirty water clean and...

This resource, from Siemens UK, encourages students to appreciate the importance of clean water and the problems that may arise in the absence of it. Students consider soluble and insoluble pollutants and methods of filtration. They then explore contamination by microorganisms, water-borne diseases and the...

These resources from the Institution of Engineering and Technology, produced in association with Fairfield Control Systems, explore the theme of waterways.


A Catalyst article looking at renewable energy. To tackle climate change and all the challenges imposed by the need to find alternative and reliable energy sources, there is one major resource that has remained untapped until now: wave power. This article describes the size of this resource and presents the leading...

Comparing two sine waves of different amplitudes, this video shows that the intensity of a wave is proportional to the square of the amplitude.  The intensity is given I = P/A, i.e., power per cross-sectional area.


In the simulation students can watch a string vibrate in slow motion. You can wiggle the end of the string and make waves, or adjust the frequency and amplitude of an oscillator. The simulation also allows you to adjust the damping and tension.

Sample learning outcomes include:

*Discuss wave...

Does light behave like a wave, a stream of particles or both? Scientists at the University of Oxford are taking advantage of the particle-wave duality of light to carry out work developing exciting new technologies.


This video summarises the properties of waves, i.e., reflection, refraction, diffraction and polarisation using a free App called Ripple free by Paul Falstad.  The App is very effective and versatile. 


This video uses a jelly baby wave machine to introduce the motional properties of progressive and standing waves and to introduce key terminology.

A displacement – distance graph is used to define wavelength (λ) and the phase of a wave.  A complete wave cycle is 360⁰ and from this the position of a particle...

This video explains the observations when two coherent light waves interact to form fringes.  A diagram is used to show that

λ = (ax)/d, where a = slit separation and D = the distance between the slit and the projection screen, and x = distance between fringes. From these measurements...

This video introduces explains the difference between the phase difference of a wave (measured in degrees) and the path difference of a wave (measured in metres of fraction of a wavelength). 

When waves are coherent and have a path difference that is a multiple of λ, then the interference is constructive. ...
