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This activity gives pupils in key stage 2 the opportunity to plan, test and execute a simple mission on the moon. Throughout the session pupils will take it in turns to give commands and to navigate blindly across the lunar surface. Pupils will be taught to understand the importance of clear step by step...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter covers many topics including:

*Visual development of mobile apps using App Inventor

*Active learning in computing using Lego NXT and Logo

*BYOB, an extension to Scratch that aids abstraction and extension

*Robot simulation using RoboMind...

Suitable for upper-primary teachers of computing, this Barefoot Computing activity focuses on the technical aspects of the internet explaining how it differs from the World Wide Web (WWW). Children gain an understanding of the hardware that makes up computer networks and how IP addresses allow communication between...

All data on computers is stored and transmitted using the binary number system. When the binary digits need to be sent over the phone lines (which often happens in home internet connections), the digits are converted to sound...

Very simply, this involves making sparkles flash. The challenge is to work out how long a ‘dot’ and a ‘dash’ are, and to successfully code a message in Morse code.

Sometimes what looks like magic is actually science! In this programme, pupils will look at magic and movie tricks for inspiration and find out how it’s done. They explore how things are done to make movies look realistic, and investigate whether some of the themes or technology from the movies could be possible in...

In this activity SEND pupils will learn to follow a sequence of instructions, create an algorithm for other people to follow and to understand that the order of instructions are important. The activity gives pupils the opportunity to create sequences of colours to make music and enhances the Music, Computing, PSHE...

This collection offers a selection of videos and career profiles to highlight the breath of STEM careers available. Some of the resources include experiments and classroom activities linked to the career theme, such as the Brian Cox school experiment...

Suitable resources for both primary and secondary aged pupils are listed here with those suitable for secondary resources being listed at the top. Some of the resources, like 'Code and Rescue' cover a series of possible lessons to look at code and programming whilst others like 'Programming languages - Harold the...

In 2015-16, the regional Network has been found to have sustained a strong upward trajectory in the amount of CPD that it is delivering, increasing its level of CPD delivery by 45% compared to 2014-15, and surpassing the levels of CPD delivery achieved in previous years.  

The Network has also forged new...

These resources, aimed at primary level pupils, offer different activities on the theme of dinosaurs. Included are resources focussing on how humans impact the planet and particularly birds - ‘the dinosaurs of today’, fossils, and the story of Mary Anning.

Neon careers resources are a comprehensive resource collection for everything engineering. The primary and secondary resources introduce students to future STEM careers, helping young people to understand more about the world of engineering...

Using the school network as a learning resource, this Barefoot Computing resource for primary schools introduces networked devices and the hardware infrastructure used to connect them. Children carry out a ‘treasure hunt’, searching for common networked devices such as switches, servers and printers. After mapping...

In this activity students consider how different methods of communication operate successfully. By looking at rules and procedures in place, students are introduced to communication protocols. By working through a role-play...

Using LDRs and sparkles, the student learns how to code a nightlight coming on only once it gets dark. Digital switches can also be incorporated into this.
