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The main objective of this session is to understand what logical reasoning is in context, by using a mathematics sequence activity...

In this activity children will increase their personal security online in this session through recognising and creating strong and...

This week your child/ren will learn how to:...

In this session your child will be introduced to the film clip the next three sessions will be based around.



In this session you will look at image resolution and how to work out the size of a file. In real life the digital images we take are ever increasing in size. This session will help understand how the size of an image is calculated and also what an image actually looks like to a computer.

This final activity allows your child/ren to create their own fakebot mat. This activity brings together the vocabulary and skills from the last three lessons whilst having lots of fun, commanding the fakebot to complete various challenges.

Please see the session plan for further guidance.

In this activity children will discuss the dangers of online situations and think of ways to avoid these. 

There are a set of e-safety scenario cards in the downloadable files. This is a chance for anyone in your household to be joining in and discussing the impact. Remember your SMART rules when staying...

These activitites let children:...

The main objective of this session is to understand what pattern spotting is in context, by using a series of recipes.


This session explains how sound is converted from a continuous analogue sound that we hear in the real world and converts it into a digital format of 1s and 0s that can be used and played back by a computer. The session has a set of slides to read through and a worksheet.

  1. Read slides 1 and 2 . This...

In this session you can share the story book version. You can then spend time talking to your child about adults who help them and make...

In this session you will look at compressing files to reduce their size. You will see how both types of compression work and consider when they would be used. 
