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This activity includes a quiz and fact file describing the use of fingerprints for identification and processes of DNA profiling.

Also Included is The forensic use of bioinformation - resources for teachers which contains:

  • curriculum links
  • lesson plans
  • teaching notes
  • ...

This activity, from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, concentrates on the design of buildings, their use and eco- effectiveness. Students will explore how, through applying circular economy principles, new buildings can be created that have a positive impact – buildings that do good rather than less harm.


This activity, from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, introduces aspects of the circular economy through design-and-make tasks, focusing on food packaging for festivals. It addresses the circular economy principle that waste equals food. The activity provides students with the opportunity to consider mass food...

This activity, from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, follows the format of a ‘Dragon’s Den’ competition. It aims develop student’s understanding of responsible product development and how the principles of the circular economy can be applied to current business practice. Case studies of existing products are...

This Nuffield Council on Bioethics resource explores the purpose of different types of research and testing and why they are used. Students are required to work in either groups or as a whole class. The resource includes a lesson plan for the teacher.

This Nuffield Council on Bioethics investigates the levels of severity of procedures. It also investigates the ways in which data is collected during animal experiments. Students are asked to work in groups or as a whole class to develop skills in analysing information to build an argument. The resource includes a...

This design-and-make project, from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, provides hands on experience of working with materials, using CAD/CAM for design, and an opportunity for students to manufacture interesting products while addressing many circular economy concepts.

The activity explores the use of materials...

Biomimicry involves looking at nature for inspiration to solve engineering problems and to develop innovative new designs for products and architecture. This activity, from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, investigates what is meant by linear and closed loops systems and explores products that have been developed by...

This activity, for the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, looks at textiles in fashion design. It provides an opportunity for students to increase their knowledge and understanding of a circular economy approach to developing textiles products and how textile companies are applying this approach to developing new products...

Produced by ARKive, this creative activity is designed to teach students aged 11-14 years about the theory of adaptation. It does this by looking specifically at animals' adaptations for movement through different types of habitats. Students learn the definition of adaptation and why animals need adaptations to...

In this ARKive resource, students learn about how different animals and plants are adapted to surviving in arid habitats. Working in groups, students design and carry out an experiment aimed at testing the effectiveness of different adaptations in reducing water loss. Using a worksheet as guidance, students also...

This lesson develops the concept of adding and subtracting directed numbers. The activities address common misconceptions about the addition and subtraction of directed numbers. Students explain their reasoning using diagrams.

The activities use the ‘charge’ model of directed numbers. For example, a diagram...

In this STEM activity, pupils will solve three addition and subtraction problems, with the answers giving the digits needed to crack the code to a safe. This activity allows pupils to further their abilities to add and subtract numbers with up to three numbers mentally and using formal columnar methods and to solve...

In this activity, from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), students explore the basic principles of aerodynamics by looking at familiar products that have been designed with speed in mind and identifying features common to these products....

The engineers behind the Watt Nightclub in Rotterdam turn the energy created by clubbers on the dance-floor into power for the lighting. There is even a giant battery to monitor the energy and encourage the crowd to dance even more.

