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This worksheet is aimed at GCSE students aged 14 - 16. It is best used as a plenary activity at the end of the unit, after the students have been introduced to the fetch-decode-execute cycle and simple assembly code. Alternatively, the resource could be used as a home-learning task or an end of topic assessment....

The CREST Awards scheme is the only nationally recognised accreditation scheme for STEM project work for 5-19 year olds. Around 40’000 students in the UK gain CREST Awards every year through investigations and enquiry-based learning, supporting them to solve real-life STEM challenges.

Benefits of...

By the British Science Association, the CREST Awards help students to tackle science with an investigative approach. This case study describes how Queen Katherine's school science club have become involved with a local engineering company.

The company supports the club by involving them in research and...

By the British Science Association, the CREST awards help students to tackle science with an investigative approach. This case study describes how Charlton School gave Year Eight students a chance to undertake independent projects based on their individual enthusiasms.

Students worked towards a bronze CREST...

By the British Science Association, the CREST awards help students to tackle science with an investigative approach. This case study describes how BP used CREST awards to enhance their provision of work experience.

Students at BP worked on a research project for their work experience week. This involved...

CREST Bronze Awards engage and inspire a wide range of students, and introduce them to the language and methods of project work. The flexible framework can be adapted for students of different ages and abilities. 

Bronze projects: 
• Involve a minimum of 10 hours of work on one project area 
• Use...

CREST awards aim to encourage primary and secondary school students to undertake projects in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) related areas. Students' achievements can be recognised with awards at bronze, silver and gold levels.

These case studies describe how a range of schools have used...

Crest Gold Awards allow students to conduct real research. They are longer-term projects that require around 70 hours’ work and are typically completed by 16-19-year-olds. At Gold level, your students’ work should contribute something new to the scientific or technological community or to a particular field of...

CREST Awards help school students to undertake projects in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) related areas. Students' achievements can be recognised with awards at bronze, silver and gold levels. The resources in this section contain a series of project ideas that can be used to gain CREST Awards....

Crest Silver Awards stretch students and enrich their studies. They require around 30 hours of project work and are typically completed by 14-to-16-year olds. Your students will develop their own project idea and will gain experience of going through the scientific process. 

You will need to register...

30 inspirational ideas for science gathers some of the best STEM ideas from the last 30 years, some of which are CREST projects, some of which are just great ideas.  The main themes of the activities are:

  • Interacting with researchers
  • ...

CREST Star Challenges is a UK-wide award scheme, run by the British Science Association that enables children to solve scientific problems through practical investigation. The activities focus on thinking about, talking about, and doing science. They are designed to be...

The 19 activities in this pack are a selection from the Crest Star Challenges. They are great to use in a science club, for science week or even with whole classes as part of the curriculum. They each contain a story to introduce a science topic topic and provide a context for investigation. Children can then...

The 46 activities in this pack are a selection from the Crest Superstar Challenges. They are great to use in a science club, for science week or even with whole classes as part of the curriculum. They each contain a story to introduce a science topic topic and provide a context for investigation. Children can then...

By the British Science Association, the CREST Awards help students to tackle science with an investigative approach. This case study describes how Stroud High School have incorporated CREST Awards into their work with local specialist companies with the support of their local CREST Co-ordinator.

Teachers at...
