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This issue of Computer Science for Fun focuses on the work of scientists and engineers using computers to ...

This issue of Computer Science for Fun focuses on creative computing. Can a machine even ever be truly creative? After all they are just blindly following their programs. Surely that isn’t what creativity is about! But what do we really mean by creativity? We need to...

This issue of the magazine, presenting the fun side of computer science, includes articles on:

• The nature of artificial intelligence

• Computer generated images and motion capture in the movies

• The efficiency of insect brains

• JPEGs and the psychology of image compression


This issue of Computer Science for Fun magazine contains interesting articles on:

• DNA data and error correction

• Neural networks

• Biometrics and security

• Computer science and medicine

• Finding a cure for cancer – links to computer science

• Dust-sized computers


This special issue of Computer Science for Fun magazine is entitled ‘The Perception Deception’, and looks at computer science illusions

It includes articles covering:

• Experimental methods in computer science

• Head-up displays and Pepper’s Ghost

• Mobile technology and a ‘virtual...

This special issue of Computer Science for Fun is entitled ‘Computer Science Everywhere’, and looks at the ubiquity of computer technology. It features a range of well-written articles on:

• Mediascapes – location-sensitive multimedia

• Closed circuit video analysis – computing challenges


A special issue of Computer Science for Fun focused on computers and images, containing articles on:

• Fractals

• Using Geomlab for tessellating images

• The golden ratio and beauty

• Robot artists

• The painter’s algorithm for drawing 3D graphics

• Communicating ideas...

This issue of Computer Science for Fun is entitled ‘Computer Science in Space’, and explores the role of computers in space exploration and astronomy.

It includes articles covering:

• Computer scientists working for NASA

• GPS and computer art projects that love your data

• Computers,...

This edition of Computer Science for Fun is entitled ‘The Earth Issue’, and features computer science applications that are environmentally friendly or that have helped scientists researching our planet.

The articles include:

• The power efficiency of the human brain vs modern computers


The cs4fn magazine is a magazine on the fun side of all things to do with computer science. The authors write up computing research in a fun and accessible way that puts across their enthusiasm for the subject. Unplugged computing, computational thinking and practical applications of computers in many areas are...

From mathematical ringtones to distributed computing, this magazine from Queens University of London covers a variety of interesting and fun computer science topics in an easily accessible way. Also included are:

• Optical illusions and the way our brain works

• The history and future of email spam...

2015 is the 200th anniversary of Ada Lovelace’s birth. Famous as ‘the first programmer’ her vision of computer science was far wider. To celebrate, issue 20 of CS4FN magazine explores her life, her ideas and where modern research has taken some of those ideas. Women’s research is also still at the...

In this Science upd8 activity students perform a CSI investigation to find the murderer in the park on Guy Fawkes' Night. They encounter a variety of science on the way, from rocket science to electron energy levels. They learn how those colour-giving electrons that make fireworks so much fun, fit into the atoms...

This Triple Crossed activity, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, follows on from the Jack the Ripper: Whitechapel 1888 activity. Students consider what the police investigators of 1888 would have been able to discover if...

In this activity, students make an indicator using red cabbage and test the pH of household products. The resource provides some background information on colour pigments and nutritional information about red cabbage. A sample results table is provided with questions for students to answer.
