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Showing results for "science AND careers"

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Ella is an expert in the mechanical design and operation of the NOC's Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV's) She ensures new technology designed integrates on the AUV's and operates the AUV whilst at sea.

Ella read Mechanical Engineering at Cambridge, graduating with both Bachelors and Master's degrees. She...

Catherine holds a PhD in Robotics and a BSc Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science. She studied A-levels in Physics, Maths, and Computing with an AS-level in Electronics.


This collection contains a selection of resources highlighting STEM Careers case studies in engineering. 

Produced by Rolls-Royce, the associated resources in this toolkit help students to make the connection between STEM subjects studied in school or college and possible future career opportunities. The materials illustrate the really exciting opportunities which open up to them through studying STEM subjects. The...

This digest evaluates a project which aimed to increase young people’s involvement in STEM careers. The Ingenious project successfully enabled a range of schools across 26 European countries to effect change in the interest students display in STEM careers and increase their likelihood of taking up such careers...


This student survey can be used to measure student attitudes towards the STEM subjects and their interest in careers in the STEM sector.

It is also a useful 'before and after' tool for measuring the impact of activities such as off-timetable days or STEM...

This paper, published in  2015,  examines how students' interest and enjoyment of learning STEM subjects is often equated with their interest in STEM careers. Yet research shows that engagement with school science and motivation for a science career are not the same as students may simultaneously report positive...

More complex careers, with more options in both work and learning, are opening up new opportunities for many people.  However they are also making decisions harder for young people and adults given the financial and emotional penalties associated with making wrong decisions.

There are around 1.09m young...

Support from employers is a vital part of all young people’s careers education.

This employer’s guide to STEM careers education explains how employer engagement can support secondary schools and colleges in England to deliver high-quality science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers...

Career opportunities extend across urban, rural, coastal and marine environments. They range from practical work and surveying to scientific research, consultancy, planning, property management and campaigning. 

This resource from Renewable UK illustrates the wide range of careers available in the UK's renewable energy industry.

There are currently nearly 223,000 people working in animal care, spread throughout the UK. It is expected that by 2020 the industry will need a minimum of 90,000 new entrants.

Animal technology involves the husbandry, care and welfare of laboratory animals in scientific and bio-medical research and the carrying out of authorised procedures.
Animal research provides vital information to inform the development of new drugs and treatments for both humans and animals. The industry is...

A career in animal welfare can be very rewarding with a variety of jobs open to those interested in the care and welfare of animals. Animal welfare includes animal welfare organisations and charities, rescue centres, inspectors and dog wardens.
