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This lesson develops the concepts of estimating the lengths of everyday objects, and converting between decimal and scientific notation.

An introductory activity looks at converting between decimal and scientific notation.

The main activity involves a collaborative exercise centred around picture...

Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), in this investigation, students look at the concentration of glucose in isotonic sports drinks. This enables students to see if the drinks are, in fact, isotonic with the blood.

In this investigation, students first produce a standard curve by testing...

This is a problem solving lesson, designed to help you assess how well students are able to:

  • Model a situation.
  • Make sensible, realistic assumptions and estimates.
  • Use assumptions and estimates to create a chain of reasoning, in order to solve a practical problem.


This MEP resource from CIMT is taken from text book 9B which covers the mathematics scheme of work for the second half of year 9.

Estimation and approximation covers: rounding to the nearest 10,100,100, rounding to significant figures, rounding to decimal places, estimating calculations by rounding to one...

This resource begins with estimating by rounding to significant figures, then deals with estimations and predictions in real life scenarios. Fermi estimation is then introduced. The question ‘Is climate change happening?’ is also posed.


Produced by Science & Plants for Schools (SAPS), this investigation looks at the effects of ethene of fruit ripening.

Ethene is a colourless gas and is produced by plants, acting as a plant growth substance. Its...

Take a look at the summary evidence behind the use of palm oil, a fat tax and biofuels and debate the pros and cons.

We may have a lot of technology at our fingertips to help us understand genes and genomes. But when could use of, or access to, these data affect our human rights?

Who should decide about vaccination, organ donation, or research into highly infections diseases?

The first video introduces a range of concerns surrounding computing technologies.  The idea that new technologies bring with them new social and ethical issues, and that the law is often slow to catch-up to guard people against these issues.  Some of the benefits of new technologies are briefly introduced,...

A collection of resources about ethical issues surrounding genetics.

In this resource designed by the IET, students are introduced to how the present body centric antenna, plus prosthetic technology, could be compared to science fiction ‘cyborgs’.  Body centric communications have abundant applications in personal healthcare, smart homes, personal entertainment, identification...

Four big issues:

  • The case for human space flight
  • Who owns space?
  • Should we really put anything into space?

Genetic selection for screening astronauts and the implications

Written in 1999, and published by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), this book looks at issues surrounding the ethical use of animals in the field of biotechnology.

The chapters in the...

Written in 1996, and published by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), this book looks at issues surrounding the use of genetic modification in agriculture.

The chapters in the book...
