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In this problem the learners, acting as a helicopter-rescue crew, are asked to rescue a casualty and get them to hospital. The teacher chooses the challenge level by setting the values of some variables. Students will represent and analyse a problem mathematically, interpret and communicate solutions. Use specific...

This Cre8ate maths flight testing activity requires students to work in groups and, having made their own helicopter seed model from a template, record the landing positions and distances from a central point when the model is dropped from a standard height of one metre...


Hello Ruby consists of a catalogue of unplugged activities for pupils to learn about computing and coding without devices. These STEM activities include computational thinking concepts such as decomposition, pattern recognition, thinking algorithmically and debugging problems.

In this activity from the European Space Agency, students communicate with a rover on "Mars". The objective of the mission is to send an automatic message from Earth to a rover located on Mars via an Orbiter. This message is sent by a programmed, LEGO-built, robot running an automatic switch. The rover on Mars...

The Gatsby Career Benchmarks is a framework of eight guidelines about what makes the best careers provision in schools and colleges. This guide shows how you can use the range of STEM Learning...

Written for the Association for Science Education (ASE) to celebrate the centenary of the discovery of radioactivity in 1896, units in this book cover aspects of radioactivity including the underlying science, its applications and social and environmental consequences.

A variety of activities are suggested...

The scoring system used for the heptathlon event is the focus of this resource, from the Centre for Innovation in Mathematics Teaching. Students are provided with athlete's individual results from the seven events that make up the heptathlon. They then apply relevant formulae to the data and produce tables, or...

This Catalyst article looks at herbarium houses that contain plant specimens collected from around the world. Studying these specimens allows botanists to study how plants work and how we are impacting on the environment.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2016, Volume 27, Issue 2.


In this Study Plus unit from the National Strategies, using the subject of global warming, students look at and analyse data to answer the question ‘Is there global warming in the world?’.

In the module students are expected to analyse the data through drawing charts and diagrams and then interpreting the...

These diagnostic questions and response activities (contained in the zip file) support students in being able to:

  • Recall that offspring inherit characteristics from each of their parents.

  • Recognise that an organism’s characteristics are affected by genetic information in cells and...

Produced by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), this colour leaflet describes the largest space telescope ever to be launched. The Herschel mission, launched in 2009, reveals how the first stars and galaxies formed. Herschel is observing some of the coldest objects in the Universe. It is the...

This puzzle is about factors and common factors. The numbers from 1 to 9 are to be placed on a grid of 9 hexagons so that the numbers on any straight line are a multiple of 3. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3.

  • ...

This puzzle is about factors and common factors. There are three puzzles to solve using a grid of 9 hexagons. The first two puzzles consider multiples. The final puzzle considers common factors and requires the numbers from 1 to 9 to be placed onto the grid so that no two adjacent numbers share a common factor...
