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Showing results for "science AND careers"

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In this resource from the IET, pupils make use of the theme, the future of flight, to create a presentation for the board of an airline company suggesting how they could re-use aircraft, or parts of aircraft, being retired from their fleet. They will research the different parts of an aircraft and existing products...

This report,  published in 2015, looks at how Independent Research Projects in Science (IRPs) are considered to be scientific projects that are about more than a pedagogical approach of ‘enquiry’.  They are open-ended research investigations led by the student, often with the support of a teacher and/or an...

This APU report for teachers focuses on students’ planning of investigations. Although considered important in several respects, Rep...

In this starter activity, students use the information on a labelled diagram of a knee joint to complete a cloze exercise. Students can work out logically where to insert words, given a list. Additionally, sports injuries and treatment can be considered. Curriculum links include the skeletal system and muscles....

The work of the Children’s Learning in Science Project (CLIS) was based on a view of learning which assumes that learners are actively involved in constructing meanings. Implicit in the teaching approach is the assumption that learning does not simply involve ‘taking in’ new ideas, but that the learner may need to...

This is a CPD taster created to give teachers a better understanding of what to expect when joining one of our secondary science leadership courses. Below you will find a video and a task for you to do in your own time. Once you have done the activity, ...

Published in 2009 by LSIS, this report describes an action research project undertaken by Longley Park Sixth Form College. The research undertook a comparison of the different GCSE science specifications and an analysis of the January results for an AS chemistry unit to investigate the impact of GCSE qualifications...

Published by the Wellcome Trust in 2007, this report is the product of a feasibility study for a touring exhibition to promote creative learning in science. The study involved:

* Evaluating the Trust's objectives for such an exhibition and making recommendations on the
feasibility of meeting these...

Published in October 2015, this report from the ISOS Partnership is an evaluation of the impact and benefits of schools engaging with subject-specific science continuing professional development (CPD) from the National Science Learning Network (NSLN) and the National STEM Centre (STEM Learning).

The full...

This booklet from the National Strategies is an abridged version of the science-specific quality standards with the addition of extracts from a teacher e-module. It is designed to give an introduction and overview of the structure and use of the Classroom Quality Standards (CQS) in science. It is based on the...

This research was Published in 2014 and presented at the ESERO 2013 Conference.

The purpose of any teacher continuing professional development (CPD) is to ensure a positive change in pupils’ outcomes, yet the evaluative evidence to support this relationship is often weak or missing. Using the CPD programme...

This guide, from the National Strategies, considers the differences in educational outcomes of girls and boys with the the clear trend of girls outperforming boys at all levels and more women than men graduating from universities and with 'better' degrees. The purpose...

This paper published in 2011 presents a case for extending partnership models of science teacher development in the UK through establishing a more formal networks of schools, universities and science learning centres. It uses social capital theory to argue that teacher learning is not simply about cognitive...

Published in late 2013, this report contains the findings of a research study which looked into the use of electronic books (e-books or i-books) within continuous professional development (CPD).

The research looked in particular at the way that teachers on the 2013-14 National STEM Learning Centre and...

The House of Lords report on science teaching in schools covers most of the general issues that can effect good practical work in science. One of these areas is of course science technicians and the report gathers information from various organisations on the issues facing technicians ,  with conclusions and...
