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Showing results for "science AND careers"

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Nuffield Combined Science was planned as a two-year course for students aged 11 to 13. It could be adapted for use with the whole range of ability. The course was very widely adopted. By 1979 it had been taken up, in whole or in part, by over half of all secondary...

The Nuffield Junior Science project was part of the Nuffield Foundation Science Teaching Project in the 1960s. In the publications, the project team suggested topics and methods to teachers interested in the contribution which science can make to the education of...

The Nuffield Pathways Through Science course was developed to align with the very innovative and successful modular science course created by the Northern Examining and Assessment Board (NEAB now merged into AQA).


The Nuffield Physical Science Sourcebook was designed to give students further information on various parts of the course, to inspire them to read as widely as possible, and to provide them with practice in comprehending scientific prose. It consisted of articles about many topics related to the themes of the...

The Nuffield Primary Science materials were based on the findings of a research project called the Science Processes and Concept Exploration (SPACE). This was the first set of resources published in the UK for primary science teaching that was explicitly based on a constructivist view of learning.


This Nuffield Foundation publication was prepared to help students master the calculations involved in GCSE Science courses. The book is divided up into a series individual topics. Each topic is presented in three parts.

  • A summary of the ideas students need to know, including any important formulas....

The Nuffield Science for Key Stage Three course materials for Year Seven were planned as an integrated science course.

The topics

Topic A Being a scientist

Topic B Senses

Topic C Measuring

Topic D Solar System

Topic E Forces

Topic F Elements and...

The Nuffield Science for Key Stage Three course materials for Year Eight were planned as an integrated science course.

The topics 

Topic A Energy

Topic B Fuels

Topic C Life goes on

Topic D Healthy body

Topic E An electrical world

Topic F Water


Year Nine of Nuffield Science for Key Stage Three was written to provide a clear transition into the 14-16 curriculum. Two teaching sequences were devised for Year Nine, either as an integrated course or as a co-ordinated course divided into biology, chemistry and physics.



The Nuffield Foundation set up the Nuffield Science in Practice project in 1991 to innovate in the field of vocational science education. Just as work started, the government announced that the National Council of Vocational Qualifications (NCVQ) would be setting up a...

Nuffield Secondary Science in the 1960s was a response to the need to improve the teaching of science for the three-quarters of secondary students who were then unlikely to be entered for GCE O-level. The project team aimed to put into practice the approach to science teaching outlined in the Newsom Report,...

The developers of Nuffield Secondary Science described the resources they published as a 'quarry' from which teachers could select suitable material to build courses that would be significant for their students.

The resources are divided into eight themes. Each theme is divided in a number of fields of...

Nuffield Working with Science was developed in the 1970s to meet the needs of ‘the new sixth former’ in schools and colleges. The programme offered teachers a variety of resources as a basis for courses aimed at students staying on in education after the age of 16 for a...

An ASE SYCD: Science Year Primary resource giving sensible and useful help on how best to involve parents in their children's science education at home and in school.

This resource includes really different and exciting activities that could be done in school, or at home, with advice on their organisation....

This collection of posters are available to download and print out for your classroom. The posters are accompanied either by articles exploring the science (for post-16 students) or with teaching notes and presentations to explore the ideas behind the poster (for 14-16 students)
