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Showing results for "science AND careers"

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The Study Plus handbook from the National Strategies is a general guide to Study Plus for school leaders, mathematics subject leaders and teachers of the Study Plus classes.

Section one covers the rationale behind...

This resource aimed at primary, contains an interactive spreadsheet containing problems involving time, they include: calculating the length of time for events, calculating the length of day and night given sunrise and sunset times, using a bus timetable to work out...

In this SimPhysics game, the challenge for players is to help a family stay warm through the worst winter on record. SimEnergy 1 simulates the factors involved in insulating a building and makes it more fun to learn the physics by taking an enquiry approach. Each round poses a different challenge for students to...

A Fermi problem involves making estimates and using mathematics to answer a question, in more colloquial language they might be termed ‘back of envelope’ calculations.

Many of the questions don’t have clear cut answers, and sometimes alternative paths to solutions are possible.

The level of...

Students take the role of airline workers, planning a presentation to help petrified passengers become fearless flyers. They plan how to explain the functions of the four main components of a jet engine, and consider how to incorporate...

A look ahead is a short weaving guide from the Nuffield Mathematics Project intended mainly for teachers of older students in upper primary and lower secondary.

The object of the guide was to re-state the aims and methods of the project in the light of experience so far, and to consider some of the problems...

This lesson shows that pressure in fluids acts in all directions and therefore pushes in all directions on any object floating or submerged in the fluid.

Learning objectives:

Students could: explain why pressure with depth variation for water is different from the variation of pressure with height...

This booklet outlines how assessment for learning can raise achievement in school. Evidence suggests that using good strategies for formative, (day to day) assessment could lead to significant improvements in the performance of pupils.

  • Read section 1 on Learning goals, self-assessment and peer...

In this STEMNET activity case study, STEM Ambassador Chris Robbins describes how he works with children and teachers on projects such as building a musical dinosaur crest out of plumbing materials. This gave pupils hands-on engineering experience and an understanding of acoustics.

"You have to learn to...

In this ARKive resource, students learn about how different animals and plants are adapted to surviving in arid habitats. Working in groups, students design and carry out an experiment aimed at testing the effectiveness of different adaptations in reducing water loss. Using a worksheet as guidance, students also...

This resource consists of two field work activities. The first records lichens on trees as an indicator of air quality and the second looks for tar spot fungus on sycamore leaves. This links to curriculum work on plants, habitats, air quality and improving the environment. This resource includes a workbook, field...

Mathcentre provide these resources which cover aspects of arithmetic, many of which are suitable for students studying mathematics at Higher Level GCSE, or A Level, as well as those students for whom mathematics is an integral part of their course. Some of the topics covered include, decimals, fractions,...

This MEP resource from CIMT is taken from text book 7A which covers the mathematics scheme of work for the first half of year 7. This resource covers: mental division of whole numbers, division methods for whole numbers and decimals and division problems. The initial file forms part of the textbook. The activities...

In this Core Maths activity students are invited to play a game using non-transitive dice, and explore the probability behind them.

Champion of the world: Teacher guide
This teacher guidance gives an overview of the task including prior student knowledge, suggested approaches and...
