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Showing results for "science AND careers"

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In this Core Maths resource students are asked to evaluate the offers and figures from three banks in order to decide which one is best for their company to borrow from. The resource involves students calculating the interest incurred using an Excel spreadsheet.

Borrowing money: Lesson Plan...

A collection of seventy four activities designed for use with a calculator. Topics covered include all four operations of number, number bonds, number machines, factors, missing signs, fraction to decimal conversions, areas of rectangles, perfect squares, factorials and investigating the ratio of two consecutive...


The Nuffield Foundation provides this activity which students use to create spreadsheets that model what would happen to the temperature of the Earth if there were to be a sudden change in the amount of radiation entering or leaving the planet. Students then investigate polynomial and exponential functions to find...


The oceans are become more acidic. This is due to an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through the ...

Produced by ARKive, this engaging activity introduces students to the concept of endangered species and what it means when a species becomes extinct. After a class discussion about endangered species and the different endangered statuses, knowledge is reinforced by playing Endangered Species Bingo. The 'caller' has...

Published by the Wellcome Trust, the 'Big Picture' explores issues around biology and medicine. How do we stop new diseases emerging or re-emerging infections getting out of hand?

How does this happen in a world of...

This topic, produced by the Institute of Physics, contains one learning episode that presents an explanation of the workings and details of a laser.

Episode 504: How Lasers Work A learning episode is a self-contained unit of activity that takes typically one or two...

Produced by the Institute of Physics, this topic explores the wave-particle nature of matter. As with quantum theory, this is a topic that students are likely to find completely new. They are unlikely to have already met the wave nature of particles or the wave nature of electrons bound within atoms.


This problem assumes that students have completed the ‘Moving Mount Fuji’ problem and is intended to be used as a competition. The problem consists of three separate short problems:
1. How many bricks are needed to build a house.
