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Showing results for "Early Year matheatics"

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In this activity pupils are asked to research sources of evidence of climate change from instrumental observations from the 1800s and geological changes over 100,000 years. (This is known as the paleoclimate.) They are then asked to compete a series of questions based on their research.

The human body is an amazing piece of engineering. For thousands of years it has kept us running, thinking and, best of all, staying alive! But are there scientific innovations that we can use to make our bodies even better?

An introductory resource to App Inventor for students aged 11- 14 years. App Inventor is a visual programming environment that allows students to build mobile apps for smartphones and tablets. This resource contains a teacher presentation and worksheet to support the students in their development of a simple 'spot...

An article about chiral compounds and the chemistry of flavours like orange and spearmint.

Catalyst is a science magazine for students aged 14-19 years. Find out more about Catalyst magazine:

This Rapid Router lesson uses the Blockly language to develop ideas about selection, repetition, and conditionals. Children progress from specific instructions to spot patterns that can be made into generalised solutions. This important step helps learning about abstraction and pattern generalisation, two...

This resource from stats4schools focuses on which attractions in London are the most popular using data from the National Tourist Board covering the years 1994 to 2001. Students can interpret information from tables, manipulate data, investigate tourism and plan a visit to London.

The resource includes a...

OPM conducted an evaluation of the Triple Science Support Programme (TSSP) across the years 2014- 2016 of the programme, to evidence the extent of impacts of the programme on three key groups: teachers, students, science departments, senior leaders, and whole schools. 

This Catalyst article investigates osmosis: when water enters or leaves plant tissue (raw potato) according to the concentration of water in its surroundings.

The article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2014, Volume 25, Issue 3.


Three advanced level lesson ideas from Susan Wall designed to explore the properties of circles and their equations. Each activity is accompanied by teacher notes suggesting how the activity could be delivered and possible extension ideas. The first activity requires students to match the equations of circles to...

The first video explains why data is represented in binary using examples of RAM, a hard disk, optical disks and solid state memory.

The second video illustrates simple circuits built using components to create AND, OR and NOT logic gates.  GCSE students need to be able to combine gates to create more...


Revised in August 2018 following previous versions, the technical guidance describes the purpose of the Core Maths qualifications as, ‘Core Maths qualifications should consolidate and build on students’ mathematical understanding and develop further mathematical understanding and skills in the application of maths...


In this activity, students take the role of a graphic designer. Their task is to create a mascot for a new primary school. Students use a web-based digital drawing tool package to draw their design. Students are encouraged to work both individually and in small groups...
