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Showing results for "Early Year matheatics"

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A Catalyst article looking at which type of radiation is absorbed and emitted through spectroscopy. This is the study of the wavelengths of light which allows us to identify the substances present in the source. This investigation provides a lot of useful information about a compound. It is used in a very wide...

A Catalyst article looking at strategies for ensuring that there is a plentiful food supply in the future and how this can be sustained.

The article looks at three main areas for scientific investigation:


*Pest control

*Genetic modification

It also looks at...

A Catalyst article about the inner surface of lungs, which is coated with surfactant, allowing oxygen to enter the bloodstream. When babies are born very prematurely they can lack this surfactant, and this can make it very difficult for them to breathe. This is called Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS). This...

A Catalyst article about the many uses of superconductors. The article looks at what the 1700 magnets at the Large Hadron Collider and power cables in Detroit have in common. Both use superconductors - materials which, when cooled below a certain temperature, lose all their electrical resistance, and display some...

This London Engineering Project paper, from The Royal Academy of Engineering, describes a range of activity days which supported the engineering diploma in schools who have students who may decide to continue studying the subject to degree level.


A Catalyst article about the problems of badgers transmitting tuberculosis to cattle, but is a cull of badgers a solution to the problem? When cattle are found to be suffering from tuberculosis, a disease which can be passed onto humans, they are routinely slaughtered. It is known that badgers can transmit the...

This Catalyst article explores how microbes communicate and how, by growing two different microbes together, it is possible to discover new substances which may be useful in medicine. Microbial communication happens by small bioactive molecules which the cells release into and receive from the environment. In this...

A series of five lesson plans aimed at students with no knowledge of Python. In the description it is stated that depending on the students' level of ability these might be adapted to take up to eight lessons. The resource contains some discussion about how and why one might want to start using Python as their...

A Catalyst article exploring the testing of new medicines to see if they are safe for people to take. The effects on cells of a potential new drug are investigated using tissue cultures of human or animal cells. Some tissue cultures use fresh tissue samples, but most come from well-established laboratory cell...


Almost every scientific experiment or industrial process requires a measurement of temperature. For example, the specification of the length of an object is meaningless without reference to the temperature at which the measurement was made. And all chemical and biological processes are intrinsically temperature-...

There has been a great deal of research into footedness in football. However, careful observations of what players do on the pitch reveal that the elite football heroes are much more one-footed than it was previously assumed. David Carey of Bangor University looks into the issue.

The article is from Catalyst...

This Catalyst article details how the genome of a plant called Arabidopsis has been unravelled so that this species can act as a model in genetic studies. Arabidopsis thaliana is a model species like the fruit fly Drosophila, yeast, and the bacterium Escherichia coli.  Scientists...

This Catalyst article looks at the production of rice, which is a staple food for billions of people. It describes how crop scientists have identified varieties of rice with favourable characteristics, such as flood resistance, and are using them to develop crops with increased yield. Such crops may help to...
