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Showing results for "Atoms, elements and compounds"

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In the third edition of the teachers’ guide for Nuffield Advanced Chemistry, each topic started with a summary of content, estimates of the teaching time needed, and teaching objectives. Most sections of topics also included a suggested treatment which was a guide to teaching the material, and there were answers to...

This book was written for chemistry students from the age of 11 to 16. Some of the subject matter would currently be appropriate for Advanced Level Chemistry students. The text is divided into chapters, describing the key concepts. There are end-of-chapter questions to test comprehension, and example exam questions...

This Catalyst article explores 'Biomodels', biological species which are increasingly well-understood and which have been chosen because they can help us to test new biological theories, particularly in the field of genetics.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2....

This Nuffield Advanced Chemistry programmed text was devised as an introduction to organic nomenclature at a time when the use of systematic IUPAC names in schools was new. This programme was intended for use as an aid to introducing organic chemistry, either as preliminary work before starting Topic 9 or during...

This Revised Nuffield Option aimed to help students see their experience of elements and compounds in a more unified and coherent theoretical framework. The treatment was based on experiment but emphasised theory.


1. Periodicity

2. Atomic structure

3. Bonding...

Students research, and then try out, ways of detecting analgesic compounds in mixtures:

• Chemical tests for particular organic functional groups.

• Paper and/or thin-layer chromatography to separate and identify analgesic...

A Year 11 module from the Salters’ Key Stage Four double award gcse science course. This module draws together ideas about chemical bonding and the energy changes associated with bond making and bond breaking. The relationship between type of bonding and the properties...

Collected Experiments contains all the experiments used in the sample scheme together with many others. It is intended for the use of teachers, and its purpose is two-fold:

1. to provide alternative experiments in case those given for the sample scheme are not suited to the particular conditions under which...

The Nuffield Science for Key Stage Three course materials for Year Seven were planned as an integrated science course.

The topics

Topic A Being a scientist

Topic B Senses

Topic C Measuring

Topic D Solar System

Topic E Forces

Topic F Elements and...

In 2012, the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures explored the chemistry of the modern world. Following this theme, the Royal Institution asked colleagues, celebrities and scientists to choose their favourite element and explain why they liked it so much. One of these short films was published every day in December...

The Nuffield Co-ordinated Sciences supplementary Worksheets and Teachers' guide for Chemistry enabled teachers to prepare students for separate-subject Chemistry GCSE examinations. The extra worksheets were arranged to fit in with the topics in the teaching order suggested for the ...

This book from Unilever looks at vitamins and trace elements and their role in the body. Diagrams of the chemical composition of these micronutrients are given, including photos of three dimensional molecular models. The contents are: Fat-soluble vitamins: - Vitamin A - Vitamin D - Vitamin E - Vitamin K The water-...


With this simulation students can explore the conservation of mass and balance chemical equations. Sample learning objectives include: *Balance a chemical equation. *Recognize that the number of atoms of each element is conserved in a chemical reaction. Describe the difference between coefficients and subscripts in...

This very short video demonstrates the experiment that led Thomson to conclude that all atoms contain electrons and helped him to create his ‘plum pudding’ model of the atom.

